The last entry

217 16 13

To Mark,

This will be the last letter I write to you. Today was so fun and I'll remember this day for the rest of my life.

I may give these letters to you as a going away present or I may just keep them for myself, I haven't decided yet.

I've loved every minute that I've spent with you. When I met you I never thought that it'd end like this. Although, this isn't the end. You already promised me you'd text me whenever you could and I'll go and visit you in a few months. 

Ya know, back when we first met you told me to mark you in my heart, so that's what I did.

Well, this may not be the end for you and I but it is the end of this chapter in our lives. I don't wanna say goodbye because, well, we're not really leaving each other. So I'll say this,

See you soon.

mark me in your heart | mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now