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To Mark, 

I was super nervous the whole day but luckily just being around you calmed me down a little. 

It was such a fun day! When we met up at the mall we decided to get lunch, and then we went shopping a little (although we didn't even buy anything,) then we went to the theater to watch a movie, and then we were on our way out of the theater when you spotted a claw machine.

You were so insistent on getting me that lion plushie whenever I commented on how it reminded me of you, because, ya know, you remind me of a baby lion.

I kept telling you that you're just wasting your money but you still kept going until you finally got it. We wasted almost the entire day at that claw machine but the way you smiled when you handed it to me and told me to "take care of Mark Jr," I couldn't help but smile at your cuteness.

I hope we can do this again sometime.

mark me in your heart | mark leeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt