Part 1

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She was a famous opera singer. She continued to let the words roll of her tongue as she looked out into the audience.

"But please promise me that sometimes you will think of me!"

She took in a shaky breath and flatten her hands against the full skirt of her costume.The people cheered for her as she continued on to the next song.

Angel of Music, Skip.

The Mirror, Skip.

Phantom of the Opera, perfect.

"In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came. The voice that calls to me, and speaks my name. And do I dream again? And now I find," She took in a deep. "The phantom of opera is there insi-"

The music and Christine's voice stopped. Cress' world broke around her and now stood her real form. Her audience- the stuffed animals from her closet and her dress, which was her dad's old oversized t-shirt with a hole in the collar.

"Cress." June said. Cress looked over to her computer where June stood.

"Yes?" Cress asked. She used to be embarrassed having her sisters walking in on her while she was in the middle of her fantasies. But she was used to it now.

"You do realize life isn't a fantasy or musical or whatever it is you do in your mind." June rolled her eyes.

"But it is!" Cress sighed as she spun around her room until she landed on her bed. "Being with Thorne is a fantasy."

June let out a laugh. "You're very welcome."

Cress looked down at her sister. For a twelve year old she was very mature, for a meddler at least.

"I'm still mad at you for sending out those letters."

Maybe some back story will be helpful. Let's rewind, all the way back to fifth grade... music camp.

"Cress can play the chromatic scale again?" Miss. Terry asked.

"Of course!" Cress' fingers glanced over the keys.

Everyone stared at her in awe. Most people her age could only play a B flat major scale, maybe and E flat. But not a chromatic scale.

"Hey, Cress?" Cress looked up to the voice.

"You played beautifully."

"Thank you!"

Lucas strom. That was her first letter.

Now let's jump to seventh grade.

They all sat in a circle a bottle in the middle.

"Your turn Cress!" Scarlet laughed.

"Okay!" She took the bottle and spun it.

It landed. That was her first kiss. It was magical.

Carswell Thorne. That was the third letter.

Back to Sixth grade.

Computer programming elective.

"My coding is still not working." Cress groaned.

She looked at the computer again.

(I did a computer programming class last year and I kinda forgot all of it, but I'm going to try)
<p>This is a picture of the Sydney opera house<p>

She couldn't figure out was wrong with her programming. Her picture was coded perfectly, and she had done it multiple times before. Why was this one different?

"You forgot the slash." Cress looked up.

The person talking took her mouse and added a slash before the last p, </p>.

"Now try." He smiled

She let it run and everything ran perfectly.

"Thank you!" She smiled. "What's your name?"

"Oh," he smiled. "My name is..."

Mark Taylor. Her second letter.

Lastly ninth grade.

He was her best friend since first grade. But it wasn't until that year that she felt something. Too bad Tauri did too.

But she couldn't help but dream. So came her last letter to her older sister's (ex) boyfriend.

Tyler Magway.

Then the week Tauri was to leave for college, four little letters went missing from Cress' closet.

That's when she saw Carswell Thorne with his letter he was supposed to never get. That's where this all happened. Turns out June sent out the letters, and she almost lost her head. This brings us back to the present.

"I'm living a fantasy with the world's best boyfriend!" Cress looked up from her bed.

"Who by the way is picking you up soon, and you haven't even began to get ready." June said as she walked out the door. "Also take a shower."

Cress threw a pillow that missed June by the door closing.


There were three knocks at the door. Behind the said door, Carswell Thorne stood.

"How do I look?" Cress asked her dad as she did a 360 turn in her knee length white knitted dress.

"Beautiful." He smiled. "Now go, have fun. And be home by 11:00."

"Got it."

Cress opened the door and Carswell stood in the porch light with a light blue polo and his leather jacket. He held a beautiful bouquet of yellow lilies.

"Hi." She felt her breath leave her body.

"Hey." He smiled.

She took the flowers and handed them to her dad as they walked out the door. They got down the driveway before Carswell stopped them.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing I just want a kiss." He said as he leaned down to kiss her. She met him halfway, which was her practically standing on the tips of her toes. "Now we can go."

They got in the car and they took about an hour drive to the restaurant. When they got there that's where she said to him, "This is my first date."

"Then I will make it the best one ever."

"Make me a promise." She leaned forward.

"What do you want me to promise?" He asked.

"Whatever you want."

He sat back and thought for a second. "Okay, lets promise to never break each other's hearts."

"I promise." She said softly as she kissed his hand.

But sometimes promises are broken.

This stupid chapter got deleted like 4 times before I got it to save.
Anyway I'm back, I'm not dead, and I am super excited to write this!
A lot has happened to me in the last year (2019 was wild man) but after a lot drama I am better and so excited to start writing again.
Anyway hope you guys enjoy this. And happy Valentine's Day. If you don't have a valentine and you decided to stay home and read fanfics all day... same.
Um, write to you soon!(?)

Also I'm this Cress lives with her dad, as you can guess. She has a little sister (they'll also refer to her as Little Cress because she will look like a cut and paste copy of her) named Jupiter but they call her June and an older sister named Tauri (named after T Tauri star) and if you aren't sure how to pronounce it it Tory but with more of an twa sound. Does that make sense?

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