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"Fuck, hell, shit, damn." Yoongi mumbled while walking down the hall way. 'Well that was embarrassing.' he thought. Yoongi walked to another bathroom. He locked the door and stared at the mirror. He lifted his shirt and pinched his stomach. "I'm so fucking fat." he mumbled and continued to stare his stomach. He walked to the toiled and bowed down. He shoved his fingers down his throat. Yoongi wanted to threw up so badly! He never actually succeeded in it but he tried so many times. Yoongi took his finger out and cried, a lot. "I CAN'T EVEN THROW UP!" he screamed. 

Soon he heard the bell ring. He stood up and walked out from the bathroom. "Oh hi Yoongi!" he heard a random persons voice. For some reason so many people knew him, he didn't understand because he was the ugly loner. He thought that. He knew that so does everyone else.

Stay Pretty - Namgijin - ffWhere stories live. Discover now