Easy tiger

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"Cecily come on we need to go now or we're gonna be late!" I heard Mariah yell.

I look myself over again in my long mirror. Smiling at my choice of wardrobe. I had my lunatic dean Ambrose shirt on and a pair of jean shorts. Today was my first time getting to see wwe live. We had bought tickets a few months ago so I would finally get to see dean Ambrose live. Unfortunately he got hurt by the authority and Seth rollins so my luck, he wasn't going to be there. It sucks, but that don't mean I can't support him by wearing the shirt.

"I'm coming!" I yell back down to my best friend.

She was never a huge wrestling fan, but she bought a ticket so I wouldn't have to go alone. I quickly grabbed my shield sweatshirt and we headed to the event. Once we arrived, we were taken right to our seats which were first row. What? it's my first event and I was gonna go all out for it. The show had started and midway through, Seth Rollins and Kane now stood in the ring going off about how great they were. Seth had made my blood boil since he sold out to the authority. Now I really didn't like him for what he's done to dean. I just glared at the man. Mariah placed a hand on my shoulder and said,

"Easy tiger"

I just continued glaring at Rollins.he turned to talk to our side and his eyes wondered the crowd and then seemed to stop when he met mine. He smirked and rolled out of the ring, walking up to where I stood. Kane stayed in the ring. The fans were going nuts as I continued to just glare. This made him chuckle. He looked down at my jacket and then back up to me,

"Shield fan?"

"I was" I grunted.

He smirked and said into the mic,"why don't you come over?"

My eyes widened at that as he grabbed me from under my arms and helped me over the barricade. I looked back at Mariah and she just shrugged as Rollins pulled me into the ring. I stood Inbetween the two men. Seth wasn't intimidating, but Kane on the other hand was a different story.

"What's your name?" He asked into the mic.

Kane handed me a mic and I said,"Cecily."

He smirked,"now I hate to bust your bubble sweetheart but the shield is over, no need for the hoody anymore."

"The shield isn't over, reigns and Ambrose are still here"I said gaining applause from the crowd.

"Sweety, I made the shield and I left the shield, it's over" he smirked.

"The shield was a team. It was never based on one person. To be honest you leaving was the best thing for it" I smirked back gaining more applause.

He seemed pissed as he nodded,"you best watch your mouth sweetheart"

"No you're a sell out. I've lost complete respect for you Seth. You betrayed your brothers for what? To be protected by the authority? How is that any different than the shield. Reigns and Ambrose would have protected you with their lives man. All you've become is a cheat." I said and then turned to Kane,"and you. When I first started watching wwe. You were one of my favorites. The big red monster. The demon Kane. Where is he now? Where is that amazing wrestler? That amazing performer. Cause he definitely ain't standing here in a business suit. The old Kane would never become the corporate Kane. He didn't listen to anybody."

Seth forcefully grabbed my jacket and pulled it off and threw it on the Mat. His eyes then widened when he saw my dean Ambrose shirt. He started smirking again,

"So that's why you're so stupid, you're an Ambrose fan"

"Excuse me?" I asked pissed.

"You're just as dumb as him! He thought he could come out here and talk a good talk just like you sweet heart, but look where that landed him. I crushed him through cement blocks and hospitalized him! Ain't seen him since and now he's out here being protected by some weak, defenseless, dumb, little girl" he smirked.

My blood was boiling and before I could think to stop myself I smacked him across the face, making him land on his back out cold. My eyes widened at my actions, but the crowd was going nuts. I started to back up shocked as I ran into something that felt like a brick wall. I gulped and turned in fear as Kane gripped my neck tightly and lifted me into the air. Well I definitely wasn't expecting this.

My crazy lunatic savior( dean Ambrose love story)Where stories live. Discover now