Life Before Love Valentine's Day Special 2.0💕

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After Kaiko's little confrontation with Trish, she had been feeling down in the blues. Will even noticed it and he didn't like seeing Kaiko like this; especially when she started talking to herself which was completely out of her character. "Will? Do you think I'm worthless? You know like Trish said." Kaiko asked. "What?! Of course not you're a great person. Don't listen to what Trish says. You're a great person."Will replied with a smile on his face. "Stop it you're probably just saying that to make me feel better." Kaiko retaliated; actually believing that Will was faking it. "I'm not faking it Kaiko. I would never do anything like that." Will explain to Kaiko, but she just refused to believe him;plus Will can tell how stubborn Kaiko can actually be. "Will if you're really not faking our relationship... just show proof that you do love me, valentine's day is in 2 days anyway, so why not be creative." Kaiko suddenly said and she was right about one thing valentine's day is coming up;  2 days in fact. Luckily he had a creative plan up his sleeve for this fine occasion.

2 days later...Valentine's day:
Will had everything from the rose petal trail to the chocolates ready for Kaiko's valentine's day surprise; all he needs is Kaiko. Suddenly Will heard the door open and knew that it was Kaiko. "Hello?anyone hom... what's this?" Kaiko questioned herself as she picked up a single rose petal and began to follow the trial. As soon as the rose petal trail stopped she found a big surprise and knew that Will was behind all this. "Will you really did all this? You really love me huh?" Kaiko asked Will and he nodded. Kaiko literally jumped on Will and hugged him. "Thank you thank you thank you. Kaiko said with excitement. "Glad you liked it...happy Valentine's day Kaiko." Will replied to kaiko while giving her a rose and a box of chocolates; Kaiko just gave Will a rose. "And just letting you know Kaiko you're a great person; don't let Trish get under your skin... she's only gonna bring you down because we're together." Will said with a smile. "You know what Will... you're right."Kaiko replied then kissed will on the cheek. Together they enjoyed a very romantic valentine's day.

Here it very very very late valentine's day special for you guys. The reason why it was so late...a lot of things happened in my life. But I hope you enjoyed my 2.0 version of my valentine's day special and happy belated valentine's day.

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