Life Before Love Christmas special Part 2🎄

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It was time for Will to meet Kaiko's parents and Kaiko was not the only person who was nervous, Will was nervous as well. "Hey Will, ready to meet my parents?" Kaiko asked nervously. "Uhhh....sure." Will replied nervously to Kaiko as she escorted Will inside her home. Immediately from there everything went very well because Kaiko's parents greeted Will in a calmly matter and had normal conversations with him, they laughed had fun, looked through family photos which embarrassed Kaiko a lot,etc. Little did Will or Kaiko know is that everything was about to change for the worst. A day after Will visited Kaiko's parents, Kaiko couldn't help but notice that her parents were acting a bit strange for some reason, but rubbed that off her shoulder. "I'm just gonna assume that it's just stress from the holiday season." Kaiko said to herself and continue on to what she was doing which was setting up the tree for Christmas. Later that night, Kaiko secretly heard a conversation from her parents, but it wasn't just any normal conversation they were literally talking about Will but the comments weren't so nice which caught Kaiko off guard. Kaiko could hear her mother said; "I don't like Will because of...his race, he's black." That comment outraged Kaiko; how could they say that about a person they just met. Kaiko decided to listen to the conversation more; hoping they don't catch her evesdropping.

Sorry if this chapter is a little racist to anybody, I don't mean to offend anyone. Forgive me plz😅
But I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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