Emotionally; he's done, Mentally; he's drained, Spiritually; he's dead and Physically; he's cold. He had spent the whole day locking himself in the room and no one ever know what he did in there.

"Sir—" Uncle Seon stopped after seeing his condition. He had eyebags, dark circles and looked so worst. It was like he had lost himself together with Aera.

"You are not fine. Let's go to the hospital. We need to check on your condition " he said and pulled his arm but Jimin snatched his arm off from his grip.

"D-Don't touch me. " his voice echoed through the living room. The cold voice that disappeared since a few months ago is now backed.

He had no smile on his face anymore. This morning, he only decorated his face with dark circles that looked ugly on him. His standing position was also unstable as his knees were shaking showing that he didn't sleep for the whole night, thinking about the reason why Aera left him.

He knows from the moment she left the house, everything is ended about him. She didn't just leave the house, but she brought his happiness, soul and spirit together with her. Because she's the reason he's happy, she's the reason his soul got the light and she was the one who taught him how to love. He got his happiness from her.

He could feel everything torn away from him as everyone he loves started to stay away from. Remembering all those things, he fell on his knees as his hand held the wall, trying to stay as stable as he could. The memories of him and Aera kept replaying on his mind even he had tried to distract himself from overthinking. Yet, it keeps happening over and over.

"Sir, you can't be like this. "

"Maybe Ms Aera didn't mean it that way. Who knows if she has something to solve and doesn't want to tell you?? " Uncle Seon tried to fix the situation by creating some opinions that could possibly accepted.

Jimin shook his head. Tears kept rolling down his cheeks as he tightened his grip on the wall. "No Uncle. She left because she doesn't need me anymore " the lump in his throat make it hard for him to speak.

"Don't say that. She never explains anything to you yet. " Uncle Seon said while patting his back.

"She did, Uncle. She told me everything she feels about me. She called me just to say that— she doesn't love me anymore " it was hard for him to say it, his mouth was stuttering to each word.

Uncle Seon gasped silently after hearing what he said. He couldn't and will not believe it because he knows Aera won't do that. Even he didn't know her for a long time like he knows Jimin, but his old age is matured enough to know that Aera isn't that kind of person.

"But—" Uncle Seon was about to speak his opinion about the situation but he stopped as he started to think; what if Aera did that for a reason, right? There must be a reason behind all of this mess as he knows Aera will never want to see Jimin suffers like this. But there was something forcing her to do so.

He sighed and looked at Jimin who had a horrible look on his face. Unhealthy and depressed. That's the right words to describe how bad his condition was when he kept remembering about Aera. Thinking of something that could make him feel better, Uncle Seon decided to call Jungkook and asked him to come over since he's the only close person to Jimin. He was pretty sure Jungkook knows how to make Jimin feels better.

At this point, even he, himself who had raised Jimin since he was a child didn't know what he should do. Jimin wasn't sad, but he was having a heart broken and he seemed like failing to get over it. So he needed to ask Jungkook to help him.

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