An Adjustment

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It had been weird for Will the last few days. The blue gem was still asleep in his bed. So he took the couch that was in the living room. It wasn't a bad thing though, since he couldn't move around much.

When he amputated his limbs on the plane he never thought about the consequences. He just thought of all the possibilities of his to get out. It seems to be a problem of his, not looking ahead in some situations.

But to be fair he did have an excuse, his brain had been rattled around a bit and Samuel said there was a tad bit of swelling.

Not enough to warrant surgery, but enough to impair his judgement on top of all the other problems at the time.

Thankfully the doctor had brought a motorized wheel chair for him to get around in. He was glad he still had his entire right arm left still, at least that was a plus.

But perhaps the biggest thing was the gemstone that was attached to his upper spine. It created the most changes to him recently.

First, yesterday morning he had noticed some of his hair had started to grow a dark green at the root of his hair. He didn't know just what chemicals could course that and why it only affected some of his hair.

He had also noticed that he seemed to be heavier. He made more noises on the couch when he pulled himself into it to go to sleep or sit. And he went to go weigh himself and even without his limbs he weighed nearly 250 pounds.

Of course the final one he noticed was that his bones were most likely denser. He had felt a weird tingling sensation travel down his hand and body, so after feeling it a bit he tapped his finger to the wood wall and it felt...different.

Oh yeah, he also noticed right away that he was stronger, Samuel said that his muscles as well we're now much denser. Allowing much more of them to be in the same place and in turn increasing it naturally be about 2.5 times.

'That also might explain the increase in weight' he thought.

He was interrupted from his musings and watching TV when Dad and Samuel came in the front door of the porch and set down a large crate. It was a steroetypical crate, like the type in movies.

Although he noticed there weren't any markings on the side other then the word 'Lazurus'. He could already guess what they were. The new limbs that he heard about. He honestly hoped that they looked cool as well as function.

He'd strangle someone if they were pink with hearts all over. But knowing Ellie if she got a hold of them she'd draw something on them just to annoy him a bit.

Dad then knocked the snow off his boots and walked over to him. "I gotta go back to the city for a job. I'll be gone most of the day. Ellie is at Josh and Mie's if you need her."

He nodded. "See yah later Dad." He said. He then turned back to his son and waved with a smile. He then walked outside.

He turned then to Samuel, who had been working on getting the crate open. He then picked up a crowbar he had brought and jammed it into the crate. He then pried it open and the top popped off. He then pried the rest of it open and set the top to the side.

Will then lifted himself up and into the wheelchair that was right next to him. Easily lifting his heavier body with his new strength. He then got situated and went over to the box. Even in the chair he was about 4 foot six. He pried into the crate and smiled when he saw them.

"Samuel then looked at him. "Now, I'm going to get my tools to attach these. I'm going to need you to take off your shirt and pants to get at the plugs."

Samuel noticed his look of hesitation. "You really think I havent seen everything. I'm a surgeon and I have a son." He then left to go grab his bag outside. He had to put on some winter boots consider seeing the snow was almost a foot deep on the parts that hadn't been plowed for vehicles.

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