Part Eight

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"Would it kill you to go a bit easy on me once in a while?" Alwyn was on the ground rubbing a sore spot on her leg from when she hit the ground.

"Going easy does not train you. Your enemies will not go easy." Kylo Ren stood in front of her, the staff he had wacked her with still firm in his hand. Alwyn scoffed.

"I don't have any enemies. I'm just a likable person." She grinned up at him. It was his turn to scoff.

"I find that hard to believe."

"Hey!" Alwyn kicked his leg and caused him to topple to the floor beside her. He let out a grunt upon impact. "I am a very likable person. Admit it, even you like me." Ren glared at her.

She climbed to her feet and offered a hand to him

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She climbed to her feet and offered a hand to him.

"Need a hand, Master Ren." She smirked down at him as he grabbed her hand. Until he yanked her down by her arm.  Alwyn landed right on top of him. Their noses were side by side, his surprised eyes staring into her blue ones. She took a moment to study him up-close. They say a person's eyes are the windows to the soul and that was never more true than right now. Alwyn saw so much emotion in his big brown eyes. A sharp hardness but an underlying warmth. A deep pain that he was barely masking. And a quick flicker of his eyes down to her lips. His breath was warm on her face. A part of Alwyn wanted him to kiss her. Wait what?! She didn't understand it, he had done so many terrible things, but in that moment Alwyn didn't care. They lasted that way a moment more before Ren blinked his eyes rapidly and cleared his throat. Alwyn jumped off him.

"S-sorry. Ehehehe- my bad, technically your bad. You're the one that yanked me down-" she stuttered out quickly, a blush spreading across her entire face. Kylo Ren also stood and replaced his staff on the shelf. He grabbed two sets of long knives. Alwyn gulped. Was he going to kill her after that personal moment? He extended one of the knives in her direction but she just stared at it. He sighed in exasperation.

"We are going to start training with these. You are learning quickly so it's time to add more." She took the knife. He complimented her. Maybe he felt something too.

"I don't know if this is a good idea. I mean, I can barely get my straw in my drink, never mind actually stabbing someone." His lips turned up into a slight smirk.

"Well then

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"Well then. Let's hope you're never in that situation." He thrust his knife toward her. She dived to the side. Her reflexes had improved since they started training but that didn't mean that Kylo Ren with a knife wasn't terrifying. She blocked several of his strikes with her own blade but stayed on the defense. He got in a lucky swipe and cut his knife across her arm. Alwyn hissed in pain but didn't have time to check it out. Ren came at her again and again and she never even got close to hitting him. Ren called it quits after what seemed like hours of training. Alwyn looked down at her arm which had gone numb after some time. The cut stretched across the width of her arm but didn't seem too deep. It was bleeding heavily though.  Ren came to stand beside her but she didn't look up until he cleared his throat. In his hand was a first aid kit. He took out a bandage wrap and cleaning swabs. She moved to take them from him but was interrupted.

"I'll do it." His deep voice was calm. Their eyes met and Alwyn nodded in permission. He bent over to get closer. "This might sting." He gently wiped the antiseptic on the cut. Alwyn gritted her teeth to keep from making noise. It definitely stung. Kylo looked up at her from under his dark lashes and it completely distracted her from the pain. He didn't look threatening or intense. He seemed so caring and gentle. Alwyn's bipolar theory was steadily getting more proof. She didn't understand his crazy emotions. Ren wrapped her arm in the clean bandage and secured it. Alwyn wondered if it was just her imagine or if he held onto her arm longer than he needed too. Their nice moment was interrupted by a stormtrooper.

"Sir. You're needed in the control room." Ren's intimidating stare and hard shell returned. He nodded at the trooper and moved to collect his helmet and outer robe. He passed Alwyn but then stopped. He turned the side of his face toward her.

"You're right by the way. I do like you."

Hello all! Anyone see the new cover page???!! I'm very excited with how it turned out! Comments/criticism/ suggestions are welcome and encouraged!!

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