Part Four

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Alwyn expected Kylo Ren to be furious that she had hit one of his troopers but his attention was not focused on her. She could feel his anger radiating through his helmet and for once she was glad she couldn't see the emotion on his face. 

"Go back to your room. I'll have food brought shortly." He surprisingly gently pushed her toward the door. Alwyn was unsure how much of the exchange he had seen but however much it was had him mad. Very mad. Her hands were shaking terribly as she exited the cafeteria though she wasn't scared. She realized that it was adrenaline not fear coursing through her veins and she felt accomplished for some strange reason. She had no prior training that she could remember and she was proud that she had held her own even though it wasn't much of a fight. It seemed fate had it in for her that day as she quickly ran into the chest of someone else. She recognized the orange hair and her dread faded away quickly.

"Hiya Hux!" She bounced on her feet lightly, excited to see the man again. After the confrontation in the cafeteria she really wanted a friend to talk to.

"Oh. You're still alive." He sounded surprised, which was the most emotion she had gotten out of him yet. Progress.

"Don't sound so disappointed, I might think you don't like me." She grinned at him and he raised an eyebrow.

"You are a very strange person." He eyed her up and down and stopped on her hand.

"Well, thanks for noticing-" He interrupted her. "Why is there blood on your hand?"

"Heheh we'll you see-" she giggled nervously, Kylo Ren may not be mad at her now but Hux was a different story. And she really wanted a friend.

"There was this trooper who said some really nasty things and he grabbed me so I punched him. Politely. I did warn him first." She summarized quickly while gesturing wildly with her hands. Hux had turned oddly red around the edges while she finished up her spill.

"Kylo Ren is dealing with him now I guess. He told me to go back to my room so that's where I'm headed now."

"I suggest you continue on that way then." Hux stepped around her and made his way toward the cafeteria before turning around and much to his own amazement asking, "Alwyn. You are alright, yes?" Alwyn grinned slightly at his concern.

"Yeah Hux, I'm okay. I'm more worried about the trooper being left with Ren for too long. He was pretty angry when I left." At that, Hux's eyes widened and he quickly hurried into the cafeteria knowing all too well how a Kylo Ren tantrum turns out.

Kylo Ren was not completely sure why he was so furious about the entire situation. Alwyn had handled herself completely fine but something about the way the trooper assumed he could treat the girl like an object sparked his anger. As soon as Alwyn was no longer in sight Ren was upon the stormtrooper who was still holding his blood soaked nose. Using the Force Kylo Ren threw the man against the far wall, leaving him a crumpled mess on the floor. But he was only just beginning. The man was jerked to his feet and held against the wall with just a simple flick of Ren's hand. The trooper began to choke and he tried to free himself from the invisible death grip. Kylo Ren smirked behind his mask. How weak this man was now. Just as he had preyed on Alwyn when she was defenseless, Ren was now doing the same, and he reveled in it.

"If you ever speak to the girl again, I will personally track you down and make you wish for something as sweat as death." He released the hold on the man and watched him collect himself and hurry from the room.  Ren turned as he felt a new annoyance enter the room.

"Quite done, are we Ren?" The general asked from the doorway. Kylo grit his teeth. If the general did not watch his tone he would be the next one plastered on the wall.

"General. What do you need?" Ren remembered telling Alwyn that he would send food to her room. Deciding that he didn't trust troopers right now to just deliver it, he gathered some food to take to her himself. He did not care if she was okay. She was his responsibility since it was his decision to take her from Taurus so he had to keep her in decent shape.

"I ran into Alwyn in the hall and she informed me of the incident. I was simply making sure it was handled." Hux had followed him into the hall and now continued beside him.

"Do you assume I am incompetent of handling one stormtrooper, General?" His tone had a sharp bite but it was nothing that Hux wasn't used to.

"Not at all sir, I just didn't want to see the entire cafeteria destroyed in an angry rage over some trooper's words to a girl." Hux bit back, knowing he was irking the commander, and liking it. Kylo chose to stay silent for the time being knowing that the general, though Ren would never admit it out loud, had a fair point. Ren did have a slight temper. They reached the door leading to Alwyn's room and Ren turned to face the still following general.

"Was that all General?" The other man turned slightly red and stumbled over his words of departure, to the amusement of Kylo Ren before making a hasty continuation down the hall. Holding the plate of food in one hand, he knocked on the black door. It opened rather quickly to reveal a smiling Alwyn and the grin disappeared as she realized who it was bringing her food. Ren felt a slight twitch deep in his chest. She stepped back to let him in.

"I didn't realize it would be you bringing my food." Alwyn was slightly worried he had decided to be angry with her now about the semi fight.

"Is that a problem?" Kylo set the tray down on her dresser harder than he intended making Alwyn jump slightly.

"No. I just didn't figure we were on super great terms, seeing as every time we talk it's over bad circumstances." Ignoring her comment Ren turned to face the girl who shuffled on her feet.

"The man from the cafeteria has been dealt with. The altercation has given me the exact answer as to what to do with you." Alwyn gulped. He was sending her to an actual cell. She would be miserable all because one trooper couldn't keep his hands to himself.

"You showed courage by choosing to attack the trooper instead of cowering like many would. I have decided to train  you in fighting techniques in case the need for them arises again. We are in a war after all." Wait what? Was that a compliment hidden in there? Alwyn stared at him in shock. Instead of being sent to cell she was to be trained to fight? And by Kylo freaking Ren?! She didn't know whether to be nervous or excited or both.

"Oh wow, okay, thanks I guess?" Way to make a conversation awkward, Alwyn. 

"Training starts tomorrow." With that, the dark cloaked man left the room. How does he always manage to exit a room fabulously? Must be the cape. I need one.
Five parts already! I feel so accomplished right now!!

***************Five parts already! I feel so accomplished right now!!

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