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Patton POV

TW: Crying, self-deprecating thoughts, sorta implies eating disorders. (if there are any that i missed, put them here>>>>>)

I cried. I sobbed. I always failed the ones I loved the most. Walking in to see Virgil crying like that had broken me and I just couldn't contain the emotions anymore. I gripped my bedsheets as I sobbed, hoping that no one could hear me. They probably couldn't, I could hear Virgil and Roman arguing about cooking or something in the kitchen. I buried my face in my pillow and let the tears roll down my face. Then, I heard a knock. Immediately, I sprang up and started to fix my messy hair and wipe my red, puffy eyes in an attempt to get rid of the tears. I slid my glasses onto my face and walked up to the door.

"Hey Lo!" I said as cheerfully as I could, my voice cracked a little but I hoped he didn't pick up on it. "Patton?" he responded quietly, "Are you alright?" I froze a little, wondering whether I should actually tell him or not... I forced that thought out of my mind and slapped my cheerful mask back on. I couldn't tell him. "I'm fine, Lo! No need to worry about me." I said, hoping he would believe me. "Alright then, dinner will be ready soon." he responded before walking away. 

I sighed in relief, closing my door and crawling back to my bed and hiding under the covers. 

time skip to dinner

My phone buzzed and I peeked out from under my sheets to see a text, from Roman.

17:56 Roman: Hey Pat, dinner's ready! 

17:57 Me: Alright, be down soon!

I sighed and reluctantly dragged myself up from my bed. I walked into the bathroom, stared into the mirror and frowned. I splashed a little water on my face and dotted little bits of makeup around my eyes, covering the puffiness a little. I put my glasses onto my face and flattened my shirt. I practiced smiling a little in the mirror until I was pleased with it. I walked out of the bathroom and opened my door, heading downstairs.

Virgil POV

"I told you they would burn!" I said, sighing at the crispy, dark garlic bread in front of me. Roman rolled his eyes and responded with, "It's just well-done! Stop being so picky!" I raised my eyebrows at the word 'well-done' but just continued to eat the spaghetti bolognese which actually tasted okay, but I would never admit it. Logan just stared at the burnt bread, sighing and then continuing to eat the noodles. (*disappointed parent noises-*)

"Hiya kiddos!" Patton said happily, walking into the kitchen. I smiled at him and he gave me a small smile back. Then I noticed it. Messy hair, slightly puffy eyes, crinkled shirt and a look in his eyes that told me he was desperately trying to hide something. He'd been crying. For a while, it seemed like. Had he been crying all day? Was that why he was in his room for so long? Was it because of my breakdown? Did he feel guilty? Oh god, I made this happen. I made Patton cry. I'd never seen Patton cry. Oh my god, I never should've unlocked the door for him. I-

"Virgil? Hey, Virge?~" Roman said, waving a hand in front of my face. I looked up to see everyone staring at me in concern. "Sorry, just thinking..." I muttered and continued to eat my food. The conversation ended there and everyone started to eat again. Except for Patton. He just picked at the food, uninterested. 

I'd talk to him after dinner.

Roman POV

Patton wasn't eating and I'd noticed. He skipped breakfast, all he ate for lunch was an apple which he had rushed downstairs for before running back to his room. I don't even know if he ate it. And now, he was picking at his spaghetti, looking dazed. I was worried for him, he'd spent the whole day in his room and I don't even know why. Everyone finished and Patton said a quick 'Thank you.' before running up to his room. I decided to follow him and was surprised when Logan and Virgil started to follow me. We all looked at each other, confused. 

"Where are you two going?" I asked them. They both looked at each other before responding simultaneously, "To check on Patton." 

word count: 739 words

Heyyyyyy so chapter two is out!



Hope you enjoyeddddd! 


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