Chapter 15 - That's What Love Does To You

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"I've wanted to do this for so long, I just needed the perfect time, I knew last night felt right." He confessed beaming slightly.

"Do the boys know? Do any of your family know?" I asked him.

"I told Beau, I trust him the most, I'm sure the others know now though.. and My Nonna, and Nonno. They were super happy. They'll be coming to the party. I asked your family for permisson, they knew what I was saying before I even asked." He replied before I saw him staring into empty space of the room as if he was daydreaming.

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The Beautiful Floridian weather shone against the glazed windows of Ariana's Grandmother living room, as Frankie, Joan and Nonna sat on the Cuba leather sofa watching the last season of America's Got Talent.

"He's gotta win, come on he's fabulous!" Frankie beamed as he watched an act named Mat Franco perform a magic trick.

"If I was a magician, I'd make a lot of people disappear." Nonna quipped taking a sip of her iced tea.

"I'd do the same.." Joan added as Frankie giggled at the sassiness of his Grandmother and Mother.

A sudden succession of shrill rings interrupted the conversation. Frankie jumped up startled peering towards his phone before picking it up. It was Jai.

"Oh hey Jai! You alright? Everything okay?" Frankie spoke holding the phone close to his ear as Nonna and Joan looked on a little worried.

"I'm great, we're both great, I'm in the toilet, I need you to put the phone on speaker because I have something I need to ask you all."  Jai explained nervously.

"Oh okay.." Frankie replied before putting the phone on speaker and sitting in between his Grandmother and Mother.

"Are you all sitting together?" Jai asked nervously as he felt his palms getting sweaty and his heart beat a lot faster than it normally did.

"Yep we are.." Frankie replied as Nonna looked on worryingly.

"Hey Jai!" Joan called her voice echoing from the feed backing of the speaker.

"Hello.." Nonna added wanting to know what Jai was going to tell or ask them.

"Right, I know... I know this might be too soon but this just feels right to me and its only right for me to ask for your permission.. I wanted to do this properly and that's exactly how I'm going to do it. I love Ariana with every bone in my body and I want her to be my wife, so with your permission, I am asking if I can propose to her.." Jai revealed nervously with a sigh of relief once it was all out in the open.

"OH MY GOD! I KNEW THIS WOULD FINALLY HAPPEN!"  Joan shrieked as tears filled her eyes as Frankie put a loving arm around her as they all shrieked with happiness from the amazing news.

"Of course! No one makes her happy the way you do, You have my blessing for sure.." Nonna added feeling incredibly happy for her Granddaughter.

"I just know she is going to be so happy, to see a smile on her face again will be the most precious thing ever.." Frankie spoke shedding a tear as his mother wiped it lovingly.

"So I have all of your permissions?" Jai asked quietly as he thought he could hear Ariana's footsteps from outside the door.

"Yes!" They all replied in unison.

You're My One and Only (A Jariana Fanfic) - Jai Brooks and Ariana GrandeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin