D-RoB Chapter 12. Fears.

Start from the beginning

"Well, it doesn't get anymore sure than that." Gobber chuckled.

Hiccup looked at Y/n, seeing if she knew what they were talking about, in a response, the girl shrugged, "You know, it might help if we actually knew what what we are looking for." Hiccup shouted up to his father in front of him.

"We're looking for Johann. That's all you need to know." His father responded sternly before turning Thornado to fly back to isle of Berk.

The Night Furies followed closely behind the Thunderdrum.

Landing, Stoick was the first get off his dragon, shaking his head in disappointment, looking down as he walked up the dock.

Gobber, seeing his friend's saddened state, placed his hand softly on his shoulder, "Not to worry, old friend. It'll arrive safely and in good time." He reassured him. Stoick nodded before continuing in his tracks. He had his duties to be done.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Y/n asked Hiccup, who's eyes trailed after his father.

"What are you talking about?" Hiccup questioned, in return, Y/n gave him a little mischievous smile, "Come on, guys. We're going on a little field trip." She stated, Shadow's and Toothless' ears perked up.

Hiccup smiled at the girl. She grinned in return, taking a hold on Shadow's saddle, she shot into the sky, flying towards the Dragon Training Academy, leaving Hiccup to stare at her from behind.

That is, until Toothless grumbled, hitting the back of his head with his tail.


~No one's P.O.V~

"Okay." Y/n started, looking at the map Hiccup had handed her, Trader Johann's route noted down on it.

Hiccup placed the last two fish in the satchel attached to Toothless' saddle while Shadow offered him the water she picked up from the stone floor.

"Thank you." Hiccup thanked, taking the mug out of Shadow's mouth before putting it in the satchel, too.

"We'll start in the west islands and work our way back." Y/n stated, folding the map before handing it to Hiccup.

Y/n's words, however, didn't go unnoticed by the newly arrived Astrid, "Back from where?" The Viking asked, hopping off of Stormfly's back.

"A-Ah, jus-just a quick spin around the island." Hiccup stuttered nervously, giving himself a mental note of practicing his lying abilities.

"Uh-huh. Quick spin, huh?" The girl questioned, opening the satchel attached to Toothless, pulling out both water and food, "With enough food to feed Snotlout's entire family?"

Y/n looked to the side, avoiding the uncomfortable feeling she got when she looked Astrid in the eyes when she was mad.

"Did I hear my name?" Snotlout asked, landing Hookfang, quickly running up to Astrid, "Oooh! Do I see a salmon?" He took the fish and water out of Astrid's hands, quickly drinking the water before he tossed the mug behind him.

Hookfang went to greet the DragonBorn, nuzzling into her, Y/n used the opportunity to avoid saying anything, playing busy with Hookfang.

"Uh... Alright." Hiccup began uncomfortable, rubbing the back of his neck, "Look. If you must know-"

"And we must." Astrid cut him off, Snotlout added sounds of agreements, his mouth filled with salmon.

"We're going to do something for my father." He said, seeing if he could get away with it easily.

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