Peace Summit Horror

Start from the beginning

Issei hugged her again, making Rias hug him back as he made a vow to himself. He was going to get to the bottom of this. Whatever it takes.

Kuoh Academy

Issei was sitting in his desk, not paying attention to the class as he was currently thinking about Rias.

Issei(thoughts): What can I do... i never seen anything like this Ddraig... I hope she is okay.

Ddraig: partner. There is something off... about her.

Issei rose an eyebrow in curiosity as he heard Ddraig speak.

Ddraig: I sensed something terrible.... a dragon radiating from her... and if it is who I think it is.... something very terrible will happen in the future.

Issei was shocked, he heard Ddraig speak so prideful before but this was something different. Something different from the heavenly dragon.


Issei looked out the window to take his mind off it. He had to figure out a way to remove whatever is making Rias scared and hopeless. If not, at least decrease the time it was happening.

As he watched the birds fly by, he looked down at the tree that was near the soccer field. He saw a man and two woman standing there side by side.

The man was wearing a blood red trench coat with a matching fedora and black pants. He also had on white gloves, black boots and yellow sunglasses, obstructing Issei to seeing the mans eyes.

The woman was wearing a black skin tight suit with light blue skin. She also had a staff in her hand with yellow eyes and horns sticking out her head.

The last was a woman wearing a red trench coat and brown pants. She also had on black shoes and a black shirt underneath. Her hands were radiating a weird, glowing energy and her eyes radiated the exact colour.

Before he could look further, a loud bang erupted from his desk, causing him to turn and see his teacher with an angry expression.

Teacher: Hyoudou! Aren't you paying attention?

Issei: uhh... yes ma'am!

The students snickered while Malty gave him an sadistic stare. The teacher walked away and started the lesson. Issei looked back out the window and noticed something.

Those people were gone.

Later that day

After His class, Issei was now sitting in his English classroom. He was exhausted. After spending his lunch in the ORC with Rias and the girls, he forgot to get food and lunch was over after he did everything. Not to mention, he and his two friends, Matsuda and Motohama were caught peeping on the Kendo club.

Normally, the beating would be severe but usual like always but it was worse. ALOT worse since two certain girls were in the club.

Annie Leonhart and Mikasa Ackerman.

Those two girls alone were ready to kill the three. It made it so much worse when Mikasa's cousin, Levi, heard about the incident. Matsuda and Motohama had to be sent to the hospital. A few broken ribs, a cracked femur, a severe concussion, multiple bruises, teeth were knocked out, and Levi kicked Motohama in the face so hard, his glasses shattered and shards of glass nearly went in his eye.

However, that wasn't even the worst. Annie and Mikasa slammed their boots into Matsudas balls, making the boy scream as foam started to erupt from his mouth. Luckily, the three were apprehended by Kiba, Saji, Sona and Tsubaki and were sent to the principals office before they started with Issei.

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