Walking out of work I white my brow as my mind levitates "Hey Nessa.... Nessa!" stopping in my tracks as I hear a bird-like feminine voice call out "Hey!" I smile at my student Megan? wait no! "Taylor! Whats up?" I question as we slowly start to walk towards the parking lot "Oh yay! Glad I stopped ya!..." she giggles as her bright green eyes shine "I just loooveee your class, dont get me wrong! But I wanted to talk to you about the noise in your apartment..."

Oh yeah did I forget to mention we're next door neighbors in a nice apartment complex? Any whooo. 

"What noise?" I question as I throw my black yoga mat into the back seat and lean against the door, willing her to hurry up her complaint. 

"Well I'm just happy you are Keegan are getting a long! But well... the..." she takes a step forward where I can smell the cherry scent poring off her, I squint my eyes and run my hands over my hair, how the hell does this perfect red head smell of cherries after a hour and a half long class? Shaking my head she blabs on and on "You know and I don't care in the slightest! Its just my husband Aaron hates hearing the moaning, yelling and well the words that are spoke" she whispers as her face gets flushed...

"Wait? What time did you say this was?" I question as my heart hammers, I and Keegan haven't had sex in about two weeks? she looks away then she says as her face gets even more red, making me roll my eyes. You're a mid twenty year old woman get it together. Clapping she jumps and says "Well just yesterday... it happens every Monday, and Thursday" thinking back... I contect my dark eyes with hers and apologize before jumping in the car and speeding off, ready to kill Keegan!

I have class every Monday and Thursday! that slutty pig!

Throwing the door open I rush into the bathroom where he's taking a shower and yank the curtain open "You're cheating on me!" a wet shocked naked Keegan greets my vision as "what the hell Nessa!" he shouts and pushes me out the way to get his towel. 

"Don't be stupid Nessa" he rolls his eyes at me as he makes his way towards the bedroom, me hot on his ass I kick the door open as he pushes it closed "Don't lie you pig! You're cheating!" he drops his towel and pulls on some boxers then turns towards me about to speak yet I reel back and smack him "Don't lie to me" I say dead calm. The only thing that can be heard is the sting from the slap and him clenching and un-clenching his fists as his blue eyes shine with anger as he looks down at me fuming. 

"Hit me again woman I fucking dare you!" he spins around pulling on pants and a shirt over his wet body he pushes me out the way yet again and start to head to the door just as he takes two steps from the door I yell "Keegan you pig!" I shout as I pick up the nearest object witch happens to be his dead moms lamp, "For fuck sakes Ness put IT down now!" seeing red I throw it and thank heavens that I played baseball for years. Hitting him square in the center of his ugly forehead I let out a battle cry as he groans in pain, I charge at him with my fists held tight I start swinging as he tries to control me. "You cheated you slimy slut!" connecting my fist with his nose he hisses as I kick just before he tangles my limbs together and throws me and runs for the door, "You psycho bitch!" as the door slams I drop my head and let out the cry of a warrior.

I gave him years of my life! How could he? tears falling quicker as all the smiles, moans and laughing run through my brain. 

Fuck you Keegan Olsbee.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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