Chapter 16 Part 2: Knight in Shinning Armor

Start from the beginning

         I dialed his cell, and on the third ring he picked up.



                                                               Ethan’s P.O.V

         I was sitting on my bed, just thinking, when my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller, and saw that it was Aaliyah.  At first I wasn’t going to answer it, because if she was mad, I didn’t want to hear her yell, but on the other hand, I really wanted to hear her voice.  On the third ring, I answered the phone.

         “Hello Ethan, are you there?” Aaliyah asked.

         “Yeah, I'm here, I’m really surprised, why are you calling me at this time? “I asked, looking at my watch, which read 9:30 p.m. 

         “I…um…need your help. Can you pick me up; I’m still at the restaurant.” Aaliyah asked.

I jumped to the floor so fast.

         “What happened to the guy you were with?” I asked.

         “He stood me up, and left me to pay the bill, is it okay that I kind of used the company’s card.  I will pay you back for it.” Aaliyah said. I clenched my fist, what type of bastard, would leave the women to pay, I thought to myself.  If I ever see that dude again, it's going to be the last time he’s going to see another day .  Who the fuck would want to leave Aaliyah? I questioned myself.

         “Ethan, are you still there?” Aaliyah asked.

         “Yeah, um, see if you could stay in the restaurant a little longer, I’ll be there in 20 minutes. And don’t worry about paying me back its fine.” I replied.

         “Hey Ethan, thanks,” Aaliyah said. This caused a smile to form on my lips.

         “No problem, see you soon,” I said, hanging up the phone.

I hurriedly, put on my coat and shoes, and then left my bedroom.

         When I made it downstairs, I heard laughter coming from my living room. I went to see, who it was. It was my mom, and Cece. I don’t even know why they are socializing like this.

         “Um Cece, you need to go home,” I said coldly.

         “Now baby, when did you get here?, and why does she need to leave?” My mom asked turning around to face me. She was sitting on the couch, and Cece was sitting on the other one.

         “Yeah, you're right Ethan, I do need to leave.” Cece said, trying to collect all of her things.

         “Nonsense, stay here tonight.” My mom said.

         “Mom, she lives two freaking blocks away.” I said, raising my voice a little.

         “Don’t raise your voice at me young man.” My mother said.

         “Fine, I’m leaving, I might be back later.” I said walking to the front door.

         “Where are you going?” Cece asked.

         “Out” I yelled, slamming the door.

I went to my 4-car garage, and decided on driving my Gray Porsche 911 turbo S.


Aaliyah P.O.V

         I’m really happy, that Ethan agreed to pick me up, I’m actually surprised.  I wish he would just hurry up. The restaurant let me stay for about 20 minutes longer, which I was very fortunate for.

         Five minutes later, my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller I.D. And a smile instantly grew on my face. I picked up the phone, on the second ring.    

         “Hey, I’m outside” Ethan said.

         “Here I come” I said, and then hung up the phone.  I gathered all of my things, said bye to the people who were still on duty, and then left.

         When I made it outside, I saw a gray car parked, and Ethan leant up against it, with a smile on his face. This instantly made me smile.

         “Come on, let’s get you home.” Ethan said, as I was walking closer and closer to his car. 

         “Thanks, for doing this.” I said.  Looking up at him. We were staring into each other eyes that was, until his eyes, fell to my lips. 

“I think we should go.” He said, breaking contact.

“Yeah,” I said.

Ethan opening the passenger side door for me, then went around to the driver’s side, and started the engine.


         “So, are you ready for work on Monday?” Ethan asked, taking his eyes off the road, and looking at me.

         “Yeah, “ I said, looking at Ethan.

         “What are you going to do when you get home?” Ethan asked me.

         “I don’t know, probably take a bath, and relieve all my stress. “ I said

         ” What about you? What are you going to do when you get home?” I asked.

         “I’m not going home, my mom is there, my sister's old friend. Who apparently I’m dating is there. “Ethan said. When he said dating, a pang of jealousy hit me.

         “What do you plan on doing for the rest of the night then?” I asked

         “I don’t know yet.” Ethan replied.



20 Minutes later:

         We pulled up to the front of my apartment, riding in the car with Ethan wasn’t bad, we talked about a lot of things, from his childhood, to mine. We talked about our likes, and dislikes.  We actually have a lot of like in common, surprisingly.

“So here is our stop” I said.

“Yup” Ethan replied.

“Well, I hope you have an amazing night tonight,” I said, getting out of the car.

“Hey, Aaliyah, can I spend the night at your place tonight?” Ethan asked.


        Picture of Ethan's car on side,  

        I hope you all have an amazing Thanksgivng. 

          I have news guys, Do you want to hear it now or later??? 

        Comment and tell me, and also tell me what you think of this chapter,  and who you think Trevor was talking to. 

        Thank you for everyone, who liked my chapters, and thanks for the amazing compliments I've been recieving on my book . You guys are amazing.  

           ~~~~~~~~Tootles, Loves~~~~~


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