Valentines Day Special

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Sihoon was being annoying. You were busy handling the cafe since there were apparently a lot of couples that day for some reason. You had this feeling that you forgot something, but you just can't put your hand on it.

Okay so back to Sihoon. Since there are many customers you were really busy and you were running in and out of the kitchen serving them. Well Sihoon didn't actually made the job easier.

He was giving you corny pick up lines since the moment he fetched you from your house. (you were the owner of the cafe which was a few buildings away from your apartment and the Brandnew building which explains why it was easy for Sihoon to come and see you)

You were quite confused with his behaviour and he would always pout whenever you brushed him away.


(while fetching you)

"Hey y/n?"

"I thought happiness starts with a H, but why does mine starts with U ?", he asked which made your eyes widen and you started blushing.

"W-why are you already talking nonsense? It's still morning and walk faster, I'm going to be late", you told him and quickly walked away with a red face leaving a pouting Sihoon at the back.


(while you were making coffee and taking orders at the counter)

You wouldn't say it was uncomfortable, but yes it was. Both for you and the current customer who you were taking the order of. Why?

Because a particular boy has been staring at you for the past 5 minutes with a stupid smile painted on his face.

"Thank you for the purchase sir, I'll call your name when it's done", you told the customer who proceeded to find a spot away from the smiling boy.

While you were making the customer's order, you turned to face him and asked why he was staring which he bluntly replied with "You're so cute it's distracting" and chuckled.

Turning around, you looked at him with a blank face. You lightly squeeze his cheeks together and told him, "Y-yah stop. You're distracting me".

You then proceeded to call the customer from before but you were so flustered you couldn't help but called out his name wrongly.

"Calling order for Mork ! Is there any Mork here?", you shouted. Soon a seagull looking boy approached you and took the drink from the counter.

"Um it's actually called Mark but I'll make an exception for you so that you can call me yours", he said with a winked. The line had you taken aback that you the words "I have a boyfriend" couldn't make their way out.

Luckily Sihoon was there to help you. He slipped behind the counter and rested his arms on your waist. "I'm sorry but she's taken so I would appreciate it if you'd run along", and kissed your temple.

Mark then rolled his eyes and replied, "Chill dude I'm gay and my boyfriend's waiting outside. Thanks for the coffee by the way. I'll make sure to stop some other time". Then he walked out.

Sihoon then crossed his arms over his chest and pouted which made you chuckle. "Relax bub, he's gay so don't worry. And he looks like a seagull to be honest", you giggled thay made him smiled.

You looked up to him and your eyes locked for a few seconds. There was this feeling you haven't had before and your heart was thumping really loud that you think it might burst.

He then cups your face and leaned in slowly and your heart beats faster than ever. You were really sure he was going to kiss you. Well you were until he said, "Do you have a map?".

"What?", you tilted your head in confusion.

"Cause i keep getting lost in your eyes", he  blurted out and you can't help but laugh at the sentence. You wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your face on his neck to try and conceal the laugh.

"Hey, why are you laughing? That was supposed to sweep you of your feet!", he whined.

"Well then I guess I was swept away, so can you take me to the doctor? Cause I broke ny leg falling for you", you winked at him and immediately his face turned red that caused you to grin.

His arms were wrapped around your waist as you squished his cheeks. "Why are you giving me so many corny pick up lines today? What's the occasion?", you asked.

"Well i guess you're too busy to remember that today is Valentine's day," he pouts while he was telling you the information that you were still processing.

A gasp of realisation escape your mouth as you realised that you forgot Valentine's day. You quickly apologised to him and engulfed him in a hug and gave him your best puppy eyes.

"It's okay love, I know you're busy. And during that period of time i managed to get you these", he went to the office and came out with a bouquet of baby's breath and gave it to you.

"Happy Valentine's Day. A bouquet of baby's breath to signify the everlasting love between us that i hope will last till forever", he smiled and took out small box from his pocket that made you gasp at the sight.

"It's a little too early to get engaged, so this is a promise for when the time comes to be with each other till forever", Sihoon said as he slipped on the ring on your finger.

His eyes met your teary ones, "I-i don't k-know what to say?".

"You can start by responding to this", he cleared his throat.

"I love you y/n l/n, so so much",

"I love you to Kim Sihoon, so so much", and the both of you shared a passionate kiss, not caring about anything at the moment. Not even the two disgusted looking boys at the other side of the counter.

"Ew, i told you we should've come a little later. I didn't want to come here just for them to rub in my face on how single i am", Sungjoon groaned.

"Well i guess no coffee for us then... Hey I heard Burger King has this Valentine meal that costs like 10 dollars for two sets of burgers. Wanna drown our single sorrows in greasy foods?", Junghwan replied.

A smile cracked on Sungjoon's face and he said, "Last one to arrive pays for the meal" and bolted out the door with the other trailing behind him.


I think I went overboard and i cringed like ALOT when I wrote this aksksksls. Anywayyy, do you guys have a Valentine this year ? :>

Have a nice day and i hope you enjoyed the story ♡

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