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A/n: Madison fisher and Esmè Tyler and any other children belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Lexie sighed to herself as she sneaked into Harry's room. He jumped out of bed and looked to her "you've been out all night" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "no, just part of it" Lexie said as he looked to her and frowned as she slipped off her heels. She couldn't say that she had been out with Tom and had gone back to his to have sex. "So are you going to tell me where you have been" he asked as Lexie rolled her eyes "no" "you use my window" "yeah because mine is too high, are they up or not" Lexie asked "you've lost the plot do you know that" he said as Lexie rolled her eyes. She walked out of the room and into hers and sighed as she started to get ready for school.


Lexie got to school as she stood in the yard with Sam and Lauren as she saw Madison . Madison looked to Lexie and walked over "I'll catch you up" Lexie said to Sam and Lauren as they walked off "where's Esmè?" Lexie asked as Madison looked to her and smiled "she's with her dad. Are you okay?" Madison "it's just mum, she's a,ways comparing me to bex and it's driving me mad" Lexie said as Madison looked to her and smiled "it's okay, you can always come and stay with me. I'm going on a date with Tom tonight" Madison said as Lexie looked to her and frowned. "I thought you and max still had a thing going on" Lexie asked as Madison sighed "we do. It's complicated" she said as Lexie nodded. She felt as if Tom was suing Madison to cover her and Tom up and she didn't want her sister caught up in it.


Lexie sighed as she stood in the hallway as Jess walked over to her "did you get it for me" she asked as Lexie looked to her "no, it's your problem" "Says you, we all know that your not perfect" Jess said as Lexie looked to her "whatever" "we all know your the slag in this family not me Lexie" Jess said as Lexie looked to her and slapped her as Tom and Chris walked down the hall "come with me now Lexie" Tom said as he lead her for. He lead her to the classroom and sighed as he looked to her "are you okay" "she's one to talk, she's slept with everyone the last few weeks. She doesn't know anything" Lexie said as Tom looked to her and smiled as he walked over to her and hugged her "ignore her okay" he said as Lexie nodded


Lexie sat in the common room as Karen walked in. Lexie looked to her and sighed "I heard you and your sister had a fight, I need to ask. Are you sleeping around" Karen asked as Lexie looked to her and rolled her eyes "I don't think it's any of your business" "I'm your mother I think it is" "I'm not sleeping around. It's one person, it's Jess you want to talk to her, she probably doesn't know how many people she is sleeping with" Lexie said as Karen's looked to her and smiled "your sixteen Lexie, you can't keep this up" Karen said as she stood up and walked off as Lexie sighed to herself knowing how Karen would react if she knew that truth

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