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Lexie lay in bed and sighed to herself as she hears Karen and Charlie who were fighting. Lexie knew that it was getting too much and she hated it.

Lexie hated how much things were getting to her and she hated how all that her parents did was argue and how she felt like no one noticed her all that they were doing was arguing over the divorce and she hated it.

Lexie sat up and sighed as she looked to her reflection and frowned. Lexie knew how terrible that she felt and how she felt like she looked terrible.

Lexie walked into the bathroom and locked the door as she walked over to the bathroom as she started to force herself to be sick. She hunched over the toilet as she continued to do so.

Lexie soon sat back on the door and sighed. She felt a tear roll down her face as she looked across the bathroom and sighed.

Lexie knew how things were and she hated it.

Lexie knew that she just wanted things to work out but she knew that she was starting to loose control of her eating disorder more and more and she hated it as she had no idea how much longer she was going to be able to keep a hold of her secret for

Lexie sat in the common room As she got to work. She looked to see Madison as she walked in and looked to her sister and smiled

"are you okay" madison asked as Lexie looked to her and sighed

"I don't know, things are hard at home and I hate it. I don't know what to do over it all, you know it's messy and it's exhausting mum and dad are at each other's throats I heard them mention divorce I hate this" Lexie said as Madison walked over and sat next to her and smiled

"I know it's hard. I do but I am here and I am your sister and I love you. You are not alone despite how you might feel and I know all that has happened with us, with Tom and that but I am here for you. Nothing has changed between us" madison said as Lexie looked to her sister and smiled

Lexie knew how she wanted to open up to Madison but she knew how she was still keeping how she and Tom had something going on from her and she couldn't.

Lexie knew that she couldn't let go of Tom as she knew that the last thing that she wanted was to loose her sister

Lexie got to to toms and smirked as he pulled her inside and kissed her.

Lexie moaned into the kiss as it got more passionate, they started to strip off as the kiss got more heated.

Lexie ran her hands through his hair as he lead her to the bedroom as they stripped off, he pushed her onto the bed and climbed on top of her and pulled her close as he got between her legs and pulled her legs and pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her, Lexie pulled him close and smiled

"no matter what happens everything will be okay, I am here for you" Tom said as Lexie smiled unaware everything would fall apart for her

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