skipping class n' lip balm

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"C'mon Will! Just this time!" Mike begged to the smaller boy in front of him.

"We can't skip class! Are you crazy?" Will said, his eyes widening when the taller boy standing in front of him asked him to skip class, Will has never skipped class, neither do Mike and the idea frightened the brunette boy, what if they caught them? What would their parents say? Will didn't want to get yelled at for skipping class.

"Why do you want to anyways?" The smaller boy asked frowning. Mabye if the dark haired boy had a good reason he could skip class because if Will was gonna be honest the idea of spending time alone with Mike was absolutely tentative.

"I didn't make homework okay? I was busy yesterday and didn't have time, it's already the fourth time I don't bring the english homework" the dark haired boy said ashamed, the english teacher already told Mike she was going to call his parents if he didn't bring the homework again.

"You could've asked me for it Mike" Will sighed, shoving his hands on his hoodie pockets.

"And you want me to skip with you?" The brunette asked, he wanted to skip with Mike but he was also scared that they'll get caught. Recess ended in a few minutes so he needed to think quickly.

Mike nodded, giving puppy dog eyes to his best friend. He could've skipped alone but he didn't want to be by himself, the taller boy wanted some company and what better than his best friend? Mike knew he was risking both of them to get detention but he really was afraid that the english teacher called his parents and then get grounded, plus: he'd rather spend time with Will than in the boring class that was once the taller's favorite.

Will sighed again "Fine"

Mike's lips formed a huge smile as the words left the smaller's mouth, he couldn't help but to lean down and hug his friend, muttering a bunch of
'thank you' against the brunette's shoulder.

The smaller boy giggled, melting when he saw Mike's perfect smile, he loved to see his best friend happy.

"Alright but...where are we going?" Will asked when they pulled out from the hug.

"Max told me she goes to janitor's room when she skips class with Eleven, we can go there" Mike said, noticing how the students were already getting in the classrooms.

"The janitor's? Can't we go somewhere else?" Will asked, the janitor's room was a pretty small place and the smaller boy was a little claustrophobic.

The bell for next period rang, resounding on the school halls, which were getting empty.

"'s the safest place, at least that's what Max said" Mike said shrugging, grabbing Will's hand while guiding him to the janitor's.

Will cursed under his breath, taking a deep breath, he couldn't believe he was skipping class, he never thought he'll skip class! And obviously not with Mike Wheeler! Oh- Mike was holding his hand right now, Will's eyes widened while he blushed a light pink.

"It better be" The brunette said when they entered the small room, Mike closing the door behind them and letting go of the smaller's hand.

"I promise we won't get caught"

Mike giggled a little, causing Will to frown but laugh too.

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