Chapter 2

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Felix pushed through the door of the stairwell and headed toward his desk. He still couldn't figure out what the issue was with this app and it was beginning to irritate him. He dropped the phone on the desk and flopped down in his chair, spinning around as he grumbled, "Ay, bitch," to the guy across the aisle.

"Ay, Asshole," his friend answered with a smirk. "Where we goin' for lunch?" Jisung asked.

"It's literally 8 in the morning. Didn't you just eat, like an hour ago?" Felix responded, shaking his head at his constantly hungry friend.

"Nah, mate. I skipped brekky," Jisung quipped in the worst Aussie accent Felix had heard in his life.

"No.," Felix cringed.

"Fine," Jisung groaned then added, "But if you'd had the night I did last night, you'd be ..."

"Ayyyy! I don't want to hear about what goes on at your place at night!" Felix argued, covering his ears.

"Somebody needs a night like last night," Minho piped up from the other side of the wall by Felix's desk.

"Seriously! Ugh. I do alright, thanks," Felix laughed as he tossed a wad of paper over the wall.

Minho threw the paper back and replied, "Gaming doesn't count as interaction, bro."

"Leave me alone and let me work, will you?" he sassily scolded the two lovebirds.

"You spoke to me first!" Jisung disputed then added, "Seriously, where are we eating?" Felix laughed and spun around in his chair.

A few hours and several swears later, he finally fixed the glitch. "Finally!" He jumped and yelled, startling everyone nearby. Feeling the eyes on him, he chuckled and flopped back down. "Food. I need fooood," he groaned. Jisung didn't need a second invitation and hopped up from his chair, grabbing his jacket and Minho before heading out the door. Felix rolled his eyes, grabbing his oversized sweatshirt and heading after them. As they reached the main door, he was looking back at Minho and laughing at something stupid when he collided with Isa, again, knocking the stack of paper in her hand to the floor. "Oh...oh no. I am so, so sorry," he stammered, kneeling down quickly to start gathering the scattered notes.

Frustrated, she had quickly dropped as well, muttering, "It's fine. I freaking hate Mondays." So close that his hair brushed her cheek when he turned his head toward her, they came eye to eye as they reached the center of the mess he had made. His eyes were a deep honey brown and she noticed the freckles smattered across his cheeks. She felt herself blush hotly as she quickly pulled back and stood up. "Oh, um. Hi, again," she stammered. "I thought you were going to watch where you were going" she stated, coolly, trying to sound like the owner of a successful company instead of a high school nobody with a crush on one of the jocks.

Felix stood, trying to organize the jumble of paper in his hands then handed them back to her. He slid his hand through his hair and sighed, "Yeah, I'm really sorry. If I weren't so unco, it wouldn't happen."

"So... what?" She asked, half-laughing at the term.

"Oh. Um, clumsy," he grinned, his own cheeks flushing somewhat. "I'll, uh, let you get back at it, then," he suggested as he and the other two guys turned to go.

"What the hell?" Jisung mouthed, excitedly. Felix quickly landed the back of his hand on Jisung's stomach, causing the older to cough then burst into laughter as they walked out the door.

As they finished up lunch, Minho shook his head and asked, "You mean to tell me that not once today, but twice, you've full-body collided with the owner of the company? And HOW are you not fired?"

Jisung ruffled Felix's hair and laughed, "It's 'cause Izzy thinks he's cute!" Felix jerked back, smoothing out the fluff of pink the best he could.

"Shut it," he grumbled, feeling his ears get a little hot. "Man, I'm just clumsy. I'm always running into things., it's been her. I'm gonna get fired," he sighed, flopping his head down on the table.

"You hate your job," Jisung mumbled, his mouth full of food.

"I don't hate the paycheck though, and I need it," he sighed, genuinely becoming worried.

"When are you going to just move in with us?" Minho asked between bites.

"When you two stop making it impossible to sleep," Felix chuckled and launched a fry at him. The older just shrugged and ate the fry with a smug grin. "I'm fine, just gotta get on my feet. Then, maybe, I can try again," he said, trailing off at the end.

"You really should. You're a great dancer, and you've worked really hard for it," Jisung replied, nudging Felix softly. "How the hell you dance like that, but can't walk a straight line, though, is beyond my ability to understand," he laughed, ducking to avoid the fry that flew in his direction.

As they headed back to the office, Felix had one goal in mind. Don't run into the boss. Felix reached for the front door of the building just as it swung open and crashed into him, knocking him off his feet. "OH MY GOD! I am so sorr...You've got to be kidding me!" she yelped as she stared at Felix who was flat on the sidewalk, stunned and now wearing his soda. Jisung and Minho froze, staring at their friend. Isa stood there, jaw dropped, thinking, "Three times in one day? How? Why? I fucking hate Mondays," and suddenly realized she was actually speaking and that she hadn't even offered to see if he was alright. She dropped to her knees beside him and made a panicked, feeble attempt at wiping the soda off his shirt. "I'm so sorry, this is...just, I don't know what to say. Are you okay?" All she managed to do was smooth his wet shirt against his chiseled abdomen and cause her cheeks to heat up in a way she hadn't felt in a few years.

Felix nervously laughed, gently stopping her from making this horrific incident any worse on either of them by taking her hand. "I'm fine, just not quite as dry as I was a minute ago," he smiled. His smile dropped quickly as he asked, "Am I fired?"

She gaped at him for a moment, not understanding his seemingly random question. "Fired? Why would I fire you?" she asked, honestly confused by the idea.

"I've only met you today, and I've knocked into you three times. Hard. That's um... not exactly a good start," he mumbled, scrambling to his feet then reaching down to help her stand as well.

"Oh, no! I'm not going to fire you!" she answered, giggling softly then adding, "not when we've gotten so close!" Her face burned and she cursed her pale skin tone for giving away every emotion she felt. "In fact, I think you should take the rest of the afternoon off. You, uh, need to do laundry," she grinned.

Felix felt a prickle at the back of his neck as he watched the color tint her cheeks. Absently, he rubbed his hand across the nape of his neck to stop the goosebumps and offered her a smile and answered, "Today's been rough. I think I'll take you up on that. I might, you know, stop for a drink on the way."

"I'm heading out for the day, too. Would you maybe, um," she stumbled over the question, feeling incredibly flustered and confused at the impulse.

"You could join me. I mean, if you like," he offered, his voice softer and a bit deeper than before.

Minho gently closed Jisung's gaping mouth as they watched their friend shamelessly flirt with the boss, who was flirting back. Thinking back to their morning chat and Felix's frustration, Minho just smirked and dragged Jisung back inside.


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