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Chu Morang protested, "Lady Hua, this is the Master's gift, especially for you."

"Last time it was a guqin, this time around it's a bronze ornament, so what will it be tomorrow?" Pingting paused a moment before saying, "If his business meant for a barter of objects, I have nothing to give in return as I am a woman. However, if your Master wants something else, it probably won't be as easy to get it."

Lady Hua was clever and added another sentence from aside, "And he even gets someone else to give a gift on his behalf? How insincere, no wonder My Lady is angry." She was smiling though. "Mrs Hua, send him off."

"My Lady, please listen to Morang, actually..."

But Lady Hua wouldn't have any of it, "Not listening, not listening, not listening! You men only know how to hurt girls' hearts." Maybe it was because she was thinking of her lover as well, and thus she vented all her resentment on Chu Morang, and decided to call for the housekeeper.

The housekeeper arrived before Chu Morang could even explain. She grabbed his hand, "Mister, please do not be angry, My Lady is tired, that's all. She needs to rest, as it is already dark." Without saying another word she took him and the bronze statue out of the Hua Residence.

Chu Morang had never been so humiliated by his Master's orders, the Duke of Zhen-Bei Residence. In the Hua Residence, he had tried to be as courteous as possible because he was aware that it was the residence of the Lady his Master cherished. He went back to the Zhen-Bei Ducal Residence and dutifully told his Master, Chu Beijie, about all the series of events that happened.

After he finished speaking, he placed the returned bronze ornament on the table.

Chu Beijie had been reading an official document when Morang had walked in. When Morang finally finished speaking, he laid the document down, raised his head and laughed heartily. "I never imagined she would have such a temper! If she was a man I would definitely put him in charge of my army. That's the quality of one of those capable of commanding thousands of soldiers possesses."

After laughing a while he suddenly narrowed his eyes. "She's clever, I cannot afford to underestimate her."

Chu Moran sighed, "She is very beautiful and her qin skills are extraordinarily. Since Master likes her, why don't you officially propose marriage to her tomorrow, alongside the Duke of Zhen-Bei's flag?"

"No." Chu Beijie contemplated before saying, "It's a nice change from the usual drama here. She is a phoenix and I am simply the worshipper." He stood up, his cloak fluttering, "Well, I'm going to show my adoration now."


Pingting couldn't sleep that evening either. She wondered if 'Dong Dingnan' would come the next day as she had sent his messenger away in disgrace.

If he did come, she'd first calm his anger, then... naturally ask about the House of Jing-An obviously....she sighed.Her eyes flickered from side to side, feeling anxious. Thinking about the possible but very likely conversation tomorrow with a man whose origins were unknown, yet was actively pursuing her, and she couldn't help but worry.

Active pursuing was fineas she, Bai Pingting, despite wasn't considered pretty, in the Jing-An Ducal Residence, she had had quite a lot of admirers. But this man was so domineering and good at psychological scheming, yet didn't seem cunning at all. Everything about him just felt natural, not in an unpleasant way.

"Pingting, what are you thinking?" she asked herself, facing the window.

Outside, the moonlight was scattered all over the ground. She put on some clothes and went outside to admire the full moon.

Hua Residence's replica of fountain in the daylight usually looked old fashioned but at night, it was rather soothing to look at. The residence was completely silent, even the insects were quiet. Looking up, Pingting could not help but stare at the moon. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a flash.

A tall figure was perched on the wall, causing Pingting to jump back.


Pingting was just about to yell for help when the figure flew, like it had grown wings, at her. She couldn't even manage to open her mouth before a big hand clamped around her mouth and nose. The smell of an ordinary man flooded into her nostrils.

"Don't speak," the man commanded.

Pingting's eyes twitched in surprise. It's him?

Chu Beijie loosened his grip and quietly whispered in her ear, "Are you Lady Hua's maid? I, Dong Dingnan, mean no harm. When I let you go, don't you dare call for help, alright?" He patted the sword at his waist, his words were polite, while his tone was friendly.

Pingting nodded and Chu Beijie could see an intelligent spark in her eyes, and he completely let go of her while chuckling quietly.

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