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After playing one piece, Pingting said, "This qin's sound indeed seems to fly in the wind, disappearing yet ever present. I'm guessing that Mister would like another piece?"

The so called Dong Dingnan smiled, "My Lady is very understanding, yes, I would like to hear another piece."

"I have already returned your favour with the piece I just played." Pingting's voice was suddenly cold, "Playing the qin is fine with me but playing for someone who is using a fake name does not make me feel comfortable."

Chu Beijie seemed to be a little stunned. "When did My Lady realise I was using a fake name?"

"Mister does not need to know when." Pingting knew that her suspicions were right and a sly smile crossed her face. "Mister only needs to tell me whether I guessed right or not."

Chu Beijie's eyes brightened and stared intently into the blinds. He had heard that the Lady of Hua Residence was a beauty with one-of-a-kind qin skills. It seemed that her skills lived up to her name, and it would be universally hard to find someone with similar skills. "My Lady is right. Dong Dingnan is one of my pseudonyms, though I didn't imagine My Lady to see through that."

"Why does Mister use a fake name?"

Chu Beijie thought that the girl in the blinds was very clever. Their conversation resembled the excitement of overthrowing an enemy, yet it was all hidden. Instead, he laughed and asked back, "Then why is Lady hiding behind the blinds?"

"Is my face that important?"

"Then are names that important?"

"How can Mister compare those two? You wanted a piece from me so I did you a favour. Of course you should use your real name."

Chu Beijie sat by the table, sipping his cool tea, "Does My Lady not want anything?"

"Eh?" Pingting raised an eyebrow, "What do I want?"

"What My Lady wants is naturally music critic." He simply laughed, his voice deep.

Pingting briefly thought that he was very difficult to guess, but had to admit that had a confident charm, which was enough to justify his arrogance.

Heart thumping loudly, she couldn't help walking towards the curtain and secretly look closer.

Chu Beijie sat there proudly with a smug face that said 'I know you're secretly looking at me.' Pingting noticed the decorative stitches of his clothes, finally letting her eyes fall on his jade pendant that hung from his waist.

Her slim figure was startled and she stiffened.

The jade pendant was shiny and smooth, obviously a top-quality product. What surprised her though was the Dong Lin royal family emblem.

He was someone of the Dong Lin royal family.

Pingting's eyes suddenly lit up. She had not heard any news about the Duke of Jing-An ever since coming to Dong Lin for several months. She believed that this was a good opportunity. Why not ask this 'Dong Dingnan'?

With that thought in mind, Pingting's dark black eyes were now full of cunningness.

"I see that Mister is a music critic, do you have an opinion after one piece?"

"My opinion?" Chu Beijie stared into the blinds, the corners of his mouth suddenly lifting into a smile. Bemused, he replied. "The piece was like a mystical swan flying through the clouds and like a strong eagle conquering the fields. This shows that My Lady is curious towards all aspects of life and does not care for riches. My Lady is like a man in more ways than one."

Pingting fell silent.

Chu Beijie was cleverer than she thought. He was able to tell her personality from one piece. Although she was fully aware of the potential danger he posed, she couldn't help but give him a look of admiration.

Pingting replied, "Mister is indeed right, but unlike a man I cannot do anything. For example, the world outside must be big and beautiful but I have not seen this myself."

This was on behalf of all women in the world, who were bound to their families and status. Even Lady Hua, who was still listening to their conversation, was nodding her head.

Pingting took a deep breath, "I heard that... apart from Dong Lin, there is a beautiful country called Gui Le. Don't they all love to sing?"

"That's right. Gui Le has many mountainous scenery, the people there like to dance and sing, but the most valuable thing in Gui Le is their copper. Gui Le makes more copper in one year than Dong Lin in three years." Chu Beijie brightened at the mention of Gui Le because that was one of his few interests. He had spent almost every day pondering over the map of Gui Le and without thinking, he had chattered away about it.

"No wonder they say that Gui Le is rich. Must be their bronze."

"Indeed, they are quite a rich country, but this has made them too relaxed. They are a weak country at the moment because the King and the nobility are always fighting internally."

Chu Beijie summed up Gui Le's problem in a couple of sentences.

Pingting sighed.

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