The truth of my past

Start from the beginning

Rodin: sup shrimp.

Koneko: Hey baldy.

Rodin growled at the little girl while Bayonetta giggled.

Bayonetta: my oh my, surely you aren't gonna get worked up by a little girl are you Rodin?

Rodin: whatever. What you want?

Koneko sat at the bar, giving a nod to Serafall before looking at Rodin. 

Koneko: I need passwords to the central mainframe.

Rodin raised an eyebrow in curiosity before taking out his cigar and dabbed out the ashes.

Rodin: and what's in it for me?

Koneko growled before taking off her backpack and setting it down on the bar. Rodin zipped it open and saw thousands of dollars inside. He nodded before putting the backpack behind the bar and reached into his pocket, pulling out a piece of paper and slid it to her.

Rodin: passwords switch every six hours. You want in? Go now. You got an hour before it switches.

Koneko nodded before getting up. Ready to walk out until Serafall grabbed her shoulder.

Serafall: Sona... is she okay?

Koneko felt guilty inside her heart before speaking.

Koneko: Yes... she's fine.. and alive still in Kuoh.

A few seconds passed before Serafall let go, allowing Koneko to leave the bar and head to the Gremory Estate. She had a job to do.

A few minutes later

Koneko snuck up to the open window outside the first floor, her hood was over her head and she had a black mask covering her mouth and nose. She couldn't walk around the mansion and openly look for Sirzechs computer, that would cause to much suspicion and force her to tell the others what she was doing.

Slowly, she opened the window and stepped inside, the smell of cooked food and lavender wafted through the air as she entered a small office. She opened the door leading out into the hallway, peeking out and seeing only two guards outside.

Slowly, she stalked towards them and elbowed the first one in the back of the head, knocking him out cold. Before the other could react, he to was knocked out. She crouched and continued forward, checking her watch and seeing she only had 40 minutes left before the mainframe switched the password.

She kept walking, avoiding any guards as possible and hiding the bodies of the unconscious ones she had to knock out. If she had to guess, Sirzechs and Zeoticus held the records in the basement, an area not even Venelana and Grayfia were allowed to go to.

She turned a corner, seeing the elevator that headed into the basement with only guard near it holding a large machine gun. She could feel the demonic energy radiating off the gun, strong enough to kill her easily. Sighing, she ran up to the guard and put all her strength into her fist and punched him hard, staggering the man as he held her destroyed nose.

Guard: what the? Who are you!?

Koneko didn't reply and instead jumped off the elevator and elbowed him in the soft spot on his head, knocking him out. She called the elevator, waiting for a few seconds before the doors opened. She pushed the body inside and walked into it, pressing the lower level and went downstairs.

She waited patiently before kicking the guard again and knocked him out. The doors opened, revealing a pitch black room with no lights and a long walkway. Swallowing her nervousness, she stepped out, the lights slowly came on and revealed multiple test tubes filled with green liquid.

A Phoenix rises from the ashes (High School DxD OC)Where stories live. Discover now