Now his face appeared dull, as if he no longer cared about any word that came out of your mouth. He tried to relax, but you could tell that was a difficult task for him in itself.

"What do you know about the girl." Kylo Ren questioned. "How would you know that I wanted her to train under me? That I gave her my hand and asked her to join me? Hm? What do you know of that?" He was defensive now, pounding you with a series of unanswerable questions. He knew you wouldn't answer them because it would give everything away.

So you kept your mouth shut. You wouldn't let him berate you and have that power over you. You forced yourself to believe that this was simply his way of retaliating after you hurt his ego. He was nothing more than an easily- offended little boy. And that didn't matter much to you. You let him believe what he wanted to.

"That's what I thought." He said decisively. You thought he was angry, but he didn't seem so. Even with his unpredictable, bipolar emotional issues, Kylo Ren kept his head and made sure he didn't go crazy, even after you blatantly insulted him. This made you curious: how else could you toy with him?

             "Well, am I wrong?" You asked. "That's why I'm here, right? Because I'm physically endowed and could be your best weapon." A hint of disgust in your tone.

             "It's more than that," he returned

              "Well what is it, then?!" You snapped. "I'm
tired of this place! I don't want to wake up clueless anymore! I'm tired of being in the dark! Just tell me, Kylo Ren! What is it you want from me?"
               You could tell by his reaction that he was not prepared for you to snap on him, let alone say his full name. The sound sent a shiver down his spine.


             "I don't want to have this discussion now." Kylo Ren said simply. Now the tables had turned: you were upset, and he was perfectly calm.

             "Well I do!"

              "It's not up to you."

             "Fine, then." You stood up from your chair and Kylo Ren mocked your movements, standing feet taller than you.  "I'm leaving. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm leaving."

             "No, you're not." He said simply.

              "I won't sit here and be confused all the time." You made your way to the door and just as you were about to open it and leave, you felt Kylo Ren's hand on your forearm.

             And although he did not touch your skin, the feeling was enough to cause you to go into immediate defensive mode. Even though his touch was gentle and he meant no harm, you flung your free hand across your body and your fist landed in a solid punch on the side of his head.

             Kylo Ren groaned and fell back, his grip on you loosening. Instead of running away like you planned to, a part of you pitied the man and you felt the need to stay and comfort him.

           A single gloved finger slightly touched his browbone to reveal a bleeding sore on the opposite side of the scar you had already given him. Kylo Ren looked at the blood, and then back up at you, waiting for you to say something.

            "You touched me." You explained, hoping he would understand that unplanned human touch was not something you were accustomed to.

            Kylo Ren nodded in agreement and sat back down on the simple chair. You could tell he was in pain but he tried his hardest to hide it from you.

            "You need to learn to think before you do something." He explained. "You immediately attack. It's not a good strategy." Kylo Ren boasted.  "I can teach you a better way of fighting. I can teach you how to handle a situation like this."

            "I can handle myself"

           "Perhaps against musky junk traders and spice runners. But people are looking for you now. What will you do when the best hunter in the galaxy comes looking for you?"

             "I'd kill him." You shrugged. "I'm the best"

            Kylo Ren sighed. "I see there is work to be done."

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