Chapter XVI

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"I'd like you to run some tests on the girl. Find out how many Midi-chlorians are in her cells." Kylo Ren spoke to his advisor as she quickened up her pace to match his long struts down the corridors of the Star Destroyers.

"Of course, Supreme Leader." She said, almost our of breath as Kylo Ren finally reached his destination of his beloved Throne Room. He stopped before the door, and turned to meet her so she didn't enter. "Is there anything else?" She looked up at his eyes, lucky to be one of the first to look him in the eyes without being killed.

"Yes. See to it that she's well-taken care of. I'll meet with her shortly."

"Of course, Supreme Leader." She repeated, and stopped herself from smiling as the large man turned around and shunned her, leaving her to do his bidding.


"You didn't take off my helmet when you could have. Why?"

Your head tilted at Kylo Ren as he sat tense across from you on the opposite side of a small table in your cell. He had been there for a short time now, beginning as an intense confrontation and quickly turning into a calm conversation. You sat opposite to him, leaning slightly in on your forearms as you watched Kylo Ren become tense at the sound of your question.

"It wasn't my place." Kylo Ren returned, making sure to keep eye contact with what he assumed to be the positioning of your eyes.

"A bit contradictory, don't you think?" You challenged. "I mean, you're the Supreme Leader. I'm just a worthless bounty hunter, right?"

His jaw clenched in what you assumed to be discomfort. "Precisely." He said in compliance, "But, like I said, as much as I despise it, you're skilled in what you do. You could mean a great deal to the First Order." He proposed, his shoulders relaxing.

"Bullshit," you said sternly, watching Kylo Ren jump at the vulgar language as you say back in your chair, arms crossed defensively. "Don't lie to me. The First Order has no interest in me. You do."

Kylo Ren's dark eyes shot up to yours, narrowing at the specific accusation and eagerly awaiting your explanation. He had never experienced somebody being so bold and uncensored in his presence: at least not in the time he spent in the First Order. He simply didn't know how to react; so he just stared.

"And I'm not sure why. Is it because of that scavenger girl?" You continued, his eyebrows now burrowing deep in his face as he grew frustrated but still intrigued. "Yeah, I heard about her. She rejected you, right?" You let a soft finger point to him in sarcasm. "Heard 'bout that, too. God, what was her name?"

You knew her name. You knew all about their history and the time spent together, you just didn't care enough to tell Kylo Ren that. Instead, you would much rather sit there and bask in the hilarious sight of you slowly ripping his honor to shreds. He looked horrified, and you assumed that he had never been confronted about his failures other than Snoke.

"Rey, right?" You looked at him, and he physically flinched at the sound of somebody else speaking her name. The poor man was still in love with the girl. "Yeah, she's a real cutie. And a Jedi, too!" You chuckled and relaxed, waiting for a reply from Kylo Ren that never came.

"Well let me tell you something, Kylo Ren." You finished after a few moments of silence. "I ain't her. And I'm not gonna be her. I'm no Jedi, and I'm certainly not interested in becoming one of your apprentices or whatnot. It didn't work with Rey, and it won't work with me."

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