Chapter 1

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My recent 4 days have been spent working the night shifts for the Los Angeles Police Department. Not that I hate the job, but it's just physically exhausting. Imagine going to work at 6 PM, when everybody else is coming home from work. But at least the pay is good, and I've always wanted to "catch the bad guys", by that I mean like in the action like how you see in the movies. But because I'm assigned to Beverly Hills area in Los Angeles, it's quite quiet. Not much action going around, just small things.

As soon as I got up from my bed, I got my clothes ready and took a warm shower, hoping that would ease my muscles. Once I got out, I got dressed and slicked my hair into a military bun. I hated doing my hair, I swore to myself I was gonna cut it off sooner or later, but I never have the guts to do it.

I made sure I put food and water out for my dog, he's a brown and white Beatle, his name is Kobe. He's a whole ass goofball. But so am I, so therefore we were made for each other.

I looked down to see his eyes staring at me grabbing my keys as if he already knows I'm leaving and is pleading me to stay.

"I know Kobe, I'm sorry. I'll be back soon. I promise." I bent down to give him a little rub on his head, and in return, he wagged his tail. I chuckled and got up and started to walk out the door. I made sure I locked it. I walked down to the parking lot and unlocked my car (a 1950 mustang Shelby ). I started to blast music as soon as I started the engine and drove. I hated LA traffic, but the city itself made up for it. I love the city life.

I pulled up to the building and parked my car. I got out and made my way inside and towards the locker rooms. I grabbed my bulletproof vest and put it on under my uniform long sleeve shirt. My first days working as a cop, the vest was a drag because it's just extra weight that you're wearing, I was sore from my shoulders for a few days but now I'm used to it. But I hated wearing a long sleeve police shirt uniform because it gets so hot sometimes. But I have to wear it because of my sleeve tattoos on my arms.

"Yo Riley what's up." I heard a voice boom into the locker room, I look over and see my partner, Brian Lewis. The dude is the typical fuckboy, life of the party, takes nothing seriously. But he made the night shifts bearable with his high energy.

"You ready for this night shift?" I asked, putting on my holster around my waist.

"I was born ready." He said confidently, I just laughed. I really just need a coffee or something.

"Let's get going." I said as I locked up my locker and started walking with Brian towards the parking lot with the police cars. I chose to drove because I'm the better driver.

"I still don't get why you say my driving sucks. I think I'm a good ass driver." He shrugged as he started to set the computer up, and I started driving.

"Bro, you literally make me feel like I'm going to die every time you drive." I laughed.

He just laughed as he continued to look through the computer to see if we had any calls or any tasks.

"I could use a coffee, you want Starbucks?" I asked, already making my way to Starbucks, not like he had a choice. I really need a coffee.

"Yeah sure." He shrugged.

I made my way to the nearest Starbucks which was in Beverly Hills, it was the more secluded one out of all of them, and it was closest to our assigned area.

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