Jin stared at Jungkook and then his gaze instantly turned to Namjoon....who didn't seem shocked, not even a bit.

"Joonie I can explain". Jin started taking a few steps towards his husband.

"Don't....just don't". Namjoon muttered stretching his arm out to stop Jin from coming closer.

"Please don't do this". Jin whispered pain drifting from every word.

He put his hand on Namjoons but the younger instantly pulled his away and turned around.

"Don't wait for me tonight". That was the last thing Namjoon said before making his way to the door.

It hurt him to do this to his husband....but Jin has lied to him for all these years.

Not only was Jin a Mafia bosses son, he was also Jungkooks uncle....which means he knows Jungkooks father.

Namjoon had been investigating for all this time and he didn't expect to find this dirt on his husband.

He wasn't sure at first since he wanted to trust Jin....but then Jin slipped their dinner without a word.

Turns out he skipped it to go and protect his nephew....not only that but he hasn't been home for a week.

And Namjoon was hurt to say the least....how could his own husband lie to him like this?

It was as if he was being played all along....as if nothing Jin had done or said until now could be trusted.

And not being able to trust Jin was what hurt Namjoon the most.


"I'm so sorry Hyung....I didn't kn-" Jungkook apologized as soon as Jimin explained everything but Jin interrupted him.

"It's fine Kookie...it's my fault to begin with, he knew already". As soon as Jin noticed the unfazed look that Namjoon has he realized the younger must've found out about the secret long before Jungkook said anything.

"W...we should go...." Yoongi noticed how awkward it was right now and he wanted to give them some privacy.

"No, I'm gonna need you guys to stay with Jimin and Jungkook from now on". Jin started throwing on his rain coat.

"Keep a watch on them just incase those guys decide to attack again...I'm gonna get going now". And with that Jin took off leaving the 4 a bit shocked.

After a few moments of awkward silence Taehyung finally decided to speak.

"W...well this is awkward". Taehyung coughed before giving the other 3 a sheepish smile.

"You guys really don't need to stay with us, Hyung is just overreacting". Jungkook chuckled scratching the back of his neck.

"I don't think he is...." Jimin muttered remembering how hurt Jungkook looked when they brought him in.

Now with Jungkooks memory gone it was going to be even harder to keep him safe and out of trouble.

As if that wasn't hard enough.

"Then I guess we will listen to Jin and stay with you guys". Yoongi noticed how anxious Jimin looked so he put an assuring hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"Thank you..." Jimin muttered giving Yoongi a weak smile.

As those two were giving each other lusty stares the other two were sensing something.

"Excuse me but did I also forget about my Jimine finally finding someone?" Jungkook words made the two turn as red as a tomato.

"Way to ruin the moment". Taehyung chuckled while Jungkook had the biggest grin on his face.

(A/N for once it's not Jimin that ruins the moment 😂!!)


"So this is our humble villa...feel free to use anything you want but stay away from my snack stack". Jimin warned after welcoming the two.

Those 4 were going to stay in Jins families lake house....which no one knows that it even exists...which is good since they are hiding.

"There are only 2 bedrooms though...." Jungkook realized that they might actually have to share rooms.

And he definitely did NOT want to share a room with Jimin....cuz he is annoying!

"I'm so not sharing a room with you". Jungkook exclaimed pointing a finger at Jimin.

"Well I didn't wanna share one with you anyways...you snore too loudly". Jimin snickered.

"What did you just say!!" Jungkook exclaimed not believing Jimin was accusing him of such thing.

"You're the one who snores like a little bitch!" Jungkook added sticking his tongue out.

"Did you just call me a bitch!!" Jimin exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yah...what are you gonna do about it". Jungkook knew damn well that he was pushing Jimins buttons.

But it was fun for him so he still did it.

"Oh you are sooo gonna get it Jeon". Jimin muttered before running towards Jungkook who in turn hid behind Taehyung for protection.

"You guys can share a room, I'll share one with Jungkook". Taehyung smiled before looking back at the cute puppy who was clenching on his shirt.

Jungkook wasn't sure about how he should feel.....he isn't used to sleeping with strangers in the same room.

"Okay then it's settled". Jimin knew damn well Jungkook hated sleeping with strangers in the same room and he took advantage of the situation.

He grinned at Jungkook before pulling Yoongi by the wrist to their room, while the other two headed to theirs in hesitation.


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