I turn back to the group, blanking Draco's annoyed stare,
"I have DADA first, see you lot later," then back to Draco, "See you in potions, *Dray*." with an amused smirk i make my way out of the Snake pit/clearing and through the hallways to Defence. I do wish i could take ancient runes...but if my plans are going to work then i'm just going to have to suffer in silence...well at least i can complain to the Slytherins.

I hear the Gryffindors before is see them as i round the corner, all talking in an overly loud manner. The Slytherins (Including the group i was with just this morning(they got here quick)). I fight the dismayed sneer off my face as Granger and Weasel turn to me, the bushy-brown-haired girl waving at me towards her.

Oh, i forgot to mention. Umbridge is teaching us. The pink toad of Hogwarts. While she looks harmlessly annoying, the scars on my hand say other-wise. After school ended in 4th year, i was shipped back off to the Dursleys...anyway. A surprise dementor attack happened and the urge to murder the mini fat whale Dudley increased a mega-ton when he decided to run straight up to the dementor blocking the way...I mean, are you fucking serious?! I didn't even think he was that stupid. *sigh*. Eventually, after the ministry attendance hearing came and dragging the tub of lard back to the house..Lets just say: Vernon Dursley was pissed.

I managed to get out of having my wand snapped with some sly words (Dumbles almost made it worse for me) and got brought to Sirius' home (grimmauld place). Now that is all caught up, i notice absently that we're entering the pink covered room.

Headache, here i come. I can just feel it coming.

[{Painful Migraine Warning}]

I was right. The migraine came slowly over the next thirty minutes. Her squeaky voice, the bland reading, and the never ending pink that wouldn't stop entering my vision just added to the headache. Now, even the classes' breathing and shuffling even hurt my ears. Fuck. This isn't stopping, the sound of her voice again almost brings tears to my eyes at the high sound.

Dammit, this really is getting worse. A cold sweat breaks across my skin, i take a deep breath. Just got to get through the next 28 minutes, i chant inwardly to myself. 23 minutes...20 minutes...

"-ter, Mr.Potter!!" I hiss silently at the shout, i leave my thoughts sharply at the shrill sound that feels like its right next to my ear. Turning my gaze up i wince at the lights glaring in my eyes. Her violently pink dress makes the contrast of light too much.

"What do you think you're doing not paying attention, Mr Potter?!" The screech practically rips my head open as i lean my forehead against my palm in pain.

"May i go to the infirmary?..." i mumble out, the pain shoots through my head again. Fuck. I look up again at the sudden silence of the class, my eyes feel so heavy; too heavy that i can barely make out the figure of the toad-like professor, a tiny stunned expression glitter on her face. The politeness or how shitty i look? I have no fucking clue, nor do i honestly care.

"Yes, yes Mr Potter. Best you do," She spits out in a little disgust, then out of my vision (that is still locked onto the desk in pure concentration) she looks at her favourite student, Draco Malfoy, "Mr Malfoy, take Mr Potter to the infirmary, make sure he goes *only* there will you?"

My heads pounding, it feels like blood is going to poor out of my ears, the smallest sound feels like a knife being drawn through my head, into my eyes. The strong fake concerned stares from the Gryffs and mostly Weasel and Granger aren't helping either. Leaning my head tightly into my arms on the desk i try and breath calmly again, its just making the hell-like migraine worse though.


A pair of footsteps beside my chair make me wince harshly, peering minutely out of my arms. The Slytherin blonde is staring at me blankly from his stood position, concern glinting in his eyes but none showing on his face. The infirmary, i see him say. Trying my best to block out the noise. He makes a motion for me to stand, so i sit up, the weight of my arms suddenly feeling like boulders. my head down and eyes clenched. The chair screeches back as i push out from the desk, Granger packing my belongings but not standing. *Probably Umbitches doing, heh*. A heavy pain-filled wince shows on my face at the sound of the chair and i push my self up. A huge dizzy wave washes over me as i take i step to the side of the desk, grabbing one hand on the desk to steady myself. The touch burning and millions of pins-and-needles spread up my arm. Shit. Its so painful. Taking a deep breath, that in turn is almost as bad as the migraine itself i try and step further. But the blood rushes to my head as the dizzy-spell returns , my legs collapsing on each other and my arms clinging onto Draco for support. I'm too fucked up to care right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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