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South Dakota, Singer Salvage Yard

Bobby sat at his desk skimming through the last of his books angels couldn't be real, could they? It didn't make sense and why would one resurrect Dean what was so special about the hunter not that Bobby minded he really couldn't be more relieved that Dean was alive, Sam was falling apart without him and he was like a son to Bobby.

"I'm not finding anything in here" Sam sighed closing yet another book it was his sixth one in the last two hours and his eyes were going blurry on him from all the biblical words.

"Me either" Dean shook his head tossing his book down on the opposite table, "they're all damn myths and legends and maybe's... Bobby none of this is helping us figure this out"

"You're telling me," Bobby said getting up from his seat and grabbing his phone, "I've got a favor I can call in, you two keep looking" he ordered them before disappearing upstairs and out of sight making Dean and Sam share a confused and curious look.

London, England

Stiles stood on the balcony breathing in the fresh and cool air ever since the Nogitsune sleep was all too rare for him and when he finally got it, it made him immediately regret closing his eyes.

"Hey, what are you doing out here it's freezing?" Jackson exclaimed as soon as he walked through the door quickly dropping the box he had in his hands down to wrap his arms around Stiles from behind.

"Mmhmm, you're warm" Stiles murmured melting into the embrace and finally noticing just how cold the night air really was as he slowly turned in the werewolf's arms his head buried in Jackson's chest.

"And you're frozen" Jackson breathed out pulling Stiles back into their rented out apartment, "nightmares again?" he asked not even needing the answer but Stiles nodded against him anyway.

"How was werewolf scouting?" Stiles asked trying to steer the conversation away from himself and despite the pit of worry bubbling in Jackson, he ignored it as they fell onto the couch still tangled up together.

"No werewolves only souvenirs" Jackson sighed gesturing to the old wooden box on the coffee table in front of them, "sick bastards hunted them down and pulled their claws out"

"No leads?" Stiles frowned at the thought especially if something like that ever happened to Jackson.

"Not anymore" Jackson shook his head, "I found two of the hunters hiding in the woods after a severe interrogation another group showed up but..." he trailed off his grip subconsciously tightening around Stiles.

"But what?"

"They aimed for me," Jackson said as Stiles looked up at him his brown eyes meeting the werewolf's grey-blue ones, "but I wasn't the target they wanted to take out the two hunters I had gotten to... maybe an attempt to keep them quiet or maybe-"

"Gerard didn't need them anymore" Stiles finished for him making Jackson nod before he gently leaned his chin against Stiles' head in comfort.

The two drifted off to sleep while watching reruns of their favorite shows it always amazed Stiles how Jackson was the only person in the entire world who could make him feel so safe and loved with just his mere presence because when Jackson was with him, Stiles' nightmares never visited but the content and peaceful moment had to be interrupted by Stiles' phone ringing loud throughout the apartment.

"Hello?" Stiles answered still half asleep while Jackson snuggled into the crook of his neck still fully asleep but alert, somehow he always was when it came to Stiles.

"Hey, kid, how you boys doing?" Stiles immediately darted up at hearing his Uncle Bobby's voice it had been months since their last call and that had been one that neither of them had enjoyed.

"Bobby... umm, we're good how about you?"

"Good" Bobby nodded even though Stiles couldn't see it, "look I know this might be a bad time but I've gotten myself into one hell of a situation, and I kind of need your help and expertise on this one."

"What's going on?" Stiles asked getting to his feet and making Jackson absentmindedly snuggle into the sofa instead of his boyfriend.

"How far away are you two from South Dakota?" Bobby asked.

"About as far as London is from South Dakota" Stiles shrugged running a hand over his face trying to wake himself up just enough for this conversation, talking to Bobby was like talking to Director Fury it was all riddles and gruff language.

"London, England?" Bobby asked in surprise making Stiles hum a yes in response, "what in the blueballs are you doing in London, boy?" Bobby exclaimed gaining the two Winchester's attention and making them sneak up the stairs to try and overhear the rest of the conversation between Bobby and whoever was on the other end.

"Following Gerard" Stiles simply replied.


"Still" Stiles corrected Bobby, "but he seems to always be one step ahead of us."

"He's a good hunter kid, maybe one of the best" Bobby sighed.

"Not a good hunter" Stiles shook his head, "a bad hunter and a good murderer" he stated making Bobby grunt in agreement, "look, he's left London, for now, that's for sure and we've got Ethan and Danny picking up where we left off with his whereabouts not to mention Argent all that matters is the surviving werewolves now"

"Nevermind kid-"

"I'll be there in the morning Bobby" Stiles cut his uncle off, "I've always got time for family, you know that" Stiles assured him making a small smile appear on Bobby's face.

"Thanks, buddy that means a lot," Bobby said and with that, the two hung up, Stiles meant what he said he'd kill for the people he loved and even died if totally necessary although he wouldn't entirely enjoy it, but that meant he and Jackson had to split up for a few days and that, that he did mind.

"Babe?" Jackson sleepily called out as he rolled over almost falling on the floor before he gracefully caught himself, thank you wolfy senses.

"I'm here, Jax" Stiles smiled walking up to him and wrapping his arms around Jackson's waist.

"What's with the look?" Jackson asked as he honed in on Stiles' chemosignals he was calm but upset all at the same time which made no sense whatsoever to the werewolf.

"What look?" Stiles asked as he tilted his head to the side to lean against Jackson's shoulder.

"That look you get when you want to tell me something but you don't know exactly how to tell me" Jackson clarified making Stiles raise an eyebrow.

"I have a look for that?" he questioned getting one of Jackson's famous eyerolls before he gently nudged Stiles for answers.

"Bobby wants our help with something it sounds pretty urgent and pretty terrifying at least to him that is," Stiles said lifting his head to stare into Jackson's stormy grey eyes.

"What about the werewolves here and Gerard?" Jackson asked searching Stiles' face for something before realization set in, "you want us to split up, don't you?" he sighed.

"It's just for two days, you deal with the handover and I'll help Bobby as much as I can until you get there" Stiles quickly explained.

"Stiles, two days," Jackson said his voice soft and uncharacteristically caring, "you barely sleep as it is and the only times you do is with me"

"I know," Stiles said his gaze dropping to the floor, "but you know how things are with Bobby sleep is the last thing with hunters and as soon as you get there we can sleep all I want," Stiles said with a cheeky grin making Jackson huff out a chuckle.

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