4. To the few friends

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Dear Comrades, 

           Where does one begin? Friendship, to me, is the strongest bond that one can ever acquire. It is the pillar on which one can stand to find one's way on days when one is lost. 

           On a table of friendship, family and romantic relationship, friendship, in my humble opinion, is the essential ingredient needed to succeed at all. Hence, I take it so seriously. Maybe a little bit too serious, as friendship is not an easy position to acquire in my life.

          It takes a lot to build friendships; patience, tolerance, determination to understand the other person and meeting up to the standard of friendship one requires.  It is a journey that not many can see to the end, or even for a short while, due to obstacles like pride and order of priority in a person's life. 

         Everyday I meet someone new, but not everyday I am able to connect emotionally and mentally to a person. I only feel gratitude towards the few friends I have now, for giving me exceptional reasons why our bonds are worth the effort. I feel gratitude, knowing that these people are part of my life, and loving me the way that they do. 

        I have nothing to give but these things; my time, my love, my warmth, and my affection. I can never express with words, the gratitude I feel towards those who do not take these things for granted. Thank you for not ignoring me, thank you for not looking down on me, thank you for staying by my side through thick and thin. 

      I hope someday, when I read this over again, I still think of all of you. Happy friendship day!!

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