Chpt. 1

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Bella walked through the hallway, on her way to history class. It was her favorite, but only because of her teacher. He was an older teacher, but Bella knew him on a different level. 

He was her Sugar Daddy

She walked into the class, wearing her orange hair down, jean short overalls, blue and white striped long sleeve, ankle length white socks, and blue vans. She went to her desk in the front of the class. She sat in front of the podium that he would stand at and look at notes. She was always Mr.J's favorite. Bella is the only one who actually takes notes or even listens to Mr. J. The other students would play games on their phones or use Snapchat. Bella took out her blue binder that held all of her notes from the beginning of the year. 

She opened her binder and went to the last page she was writing on. The teacher walked in with his regular cup of Sprite. He held it as he stood in front of the class. His regular way of teaching was to talk as he had a slideshow of pictures. Someone in the back of the classroom would use Mr. J's laptop to change the picture whenever he said to. "What was the last thing we were on?" Bella looked at the paper that had a list of all the things that Mr. J said yesterday. Bella felt M. J's eyes on her as she looked for the last thing that was said. Bella raised her hand hastily as she looked at Mr. J. He nodded for her to speak, "We were talking about concentration camps. You didn't finish your story about the kid who befriended a jew who lived in the concentration camps." 

He nodded as he looked off into the room. Bella specifically saw Mr. J look at few girls who were talking and on their phones. Mr. J set down his drink and sat on one of the tables in the room. He cleared his throat before continuing his story. Mr. J had his own way of taking care of his class. If they don't want to take notes and they fail the class, that's their fault. If they are on their phone and fail the class, that's their fault, he doesn't yell at his students because he understands that students may have other problems they have to deal with and yelling won't help, and if someone sleeps in class and they fail the class, it's their fault. He wants his students to be responsible and comfortable. 

Bella heard an abruption of laughter by the front door and saw Lizzy and her best friend, Gabby. Bella rolled my eyes as the two girls enter the classroom and go to their seats in the back of the classroom. Bella went back to listening to Mr. J's story. By the end of the story, both of the boys died by a gas chamber. It was a sad story, but we continued on with class.

Bella's POV

I felt my phone go off in my back pocket. I usually never look at my phone during class, but I was expecting an email for two dogs I'm adopting. They are both male Landseer Newfoundlands black and white, and full grown. I checked my phone quickly and saw that the dogs were ready to be picked up from the animal shelter. I silently squealed in my seat as I quickly emailed them back. I would need to have Mr. J help me pick them up since his car is way bigger than mine. I texted Mr. J in my phone and told him the news. I also told him that I would need his help and for him to meet me at my house after school. His phone went off, but he ignored it. I held up my phone and showed him that I texted him. He smiled at me and continued with class. 

I took all the necessary notes I needed and stopped when my hand would crap. Sometimes I wished that Mr. J would stop class so I could let my hand rest, but he says he's on a time constraint. He wants to get everything on the SOL reviewed. I wrote up to a page or a page and a half of notes in his class everyday. The bell rang and interrupted Mr. J. He sighed, "We will continue tomorrow, have a good day everyone." Mr. J went to his desk and took a drink of his Sprite. I put my binder in my bookbag and stood up. I smiled at Mr. J as I walked out. 

I would always feel butterflies when I looked at him. I loved the man with all my heart. When I walked out into the hall, I quickly went to my next period, Mr. Dalton's class. He was an attractive man, but not a man for me. I walked into the room and sat in the back of the class. I didn't have many friends in here, but everyone knew the teacher's pet, Lizzy. I didn't have any beef with her, she was just a loud person sometimes. Mr. Dalton was sitting at his desk typing quickly when I saw Lizzy walk in and sit in the front. She always chose to sit in the front of the class in here. 

I pulled out my purple writing binder and waited for class to start. My phone went off in my pocket as I pulled lead out of my pencil. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the home screen. I had a message from Mr. J. I smiled and opened the message:

'I'll definitely help. I'll pick you up at your house at 5. I hope that gives you enough time to get ready.'

I was a smile mess as I texted back:

'That gives me enough time. Thank you so much😘'

I put my phone away as the tardy bell rang. I looked around the classroom and saw everyone was here. Lizzy had her head down and Mr. Dalton was still on his computer. I heard a few girls from beside me whispering a bit loudly.

"Do you think I should do it?" 

"Definitely. If you don't then she won't learn her lesson."

Mr. J x Bella: History ClassWhere stories live. Discover now