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Dianely's point of view

"I just don't get why she doesn't understand where I'm coming from," I sighed.

Faith yanked hard on my hair as she attempted to braid the light-colored curls back.

"She has an empathy problem if you haven't noticed, Nel," Faith said matter-of-factly. "I mean to me it sounds like she trying to impress you for whatever reason."

"Why would she need to impress me?" I asked. "She's got wings for crying out loud. Also, she's a queen, why would she care what I think of her?"

"We are talking about the queen here, nothing she does makes any sense," my friend reminded me. "Sounds like you're just gonna have to get over it."

I huffed. She was right. None of what the queen does makes any sense. She snaps necks in the blink of an eye. She reads to me. She made Faith walk on shards of glass barefoot. She made me her assistant. She nearly starves Antony. She gave me a baby pegasus.
Favoritism at its best if you ask me.

I still don't understand what's so good about me. I can't fly like her. My eyes don't change color. I don't talk in a sexy accent.

"Sexy accent, huh?" Faith giggled.

I froze.

"Was I saying all that out loud?" I asked in hopes she would just lie to make me feel better.

"Indeed you were, good friend."

"I didn't mean it like that! Everyone here has that accent. Even Ezekiel," I tried to cover up my words.

"Mhm. Keep telling yourself that," Faith smirked.

"Seriously, it's not like that," I frowned.

Faith finished one side of my hair and moved onto the next. I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. My hair had gotten a bit longer since I got here.

"So you two are just friends then," she said rather than asked.

"No. We aren't friends. I'm her assistant," I corrected her.

The room suddenly got cold and through the crack of the bathroom door, black smoke evaporated.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. Some of the maids like to rumor that there are ghosts here so maybe they were right," she suggested.

"Whatever I'm so over this place," I said and rested my chin on my fist. "Are you almost done? This kinda hurts."

"Yes, just let me tie it off."

Faith secured the elastic band at the bottom of the second braid. I checked out the new hairstyle in the mirror before exiting the bathroom with Faith.

We plopped down on the bed.

"So, what does she have you doing today?" Faith asked as she adjusted her position on the bed.

"I'm not sure," I answered. "I haven't seen her yet this morning."

"Maybe you'll get lucky and she'll give you the day off."

"I don't even know what I would do with myself," I said. "This whole week has been hectic with all the letters and papers and meetings. Even I am starting to get annoyed by Ambrosia's shitty attempts to get Belladonna to respond to her."

"Ahh yes, the vampire brat," Faith joked. "She doesn't even like the queen I bet. She's probably just wanting the title and the privileges that come with it."

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