INTERLUDE - Through Clary's Eyes.

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Clary wasn't stupid. On the contrary, Clary saw. She'd seen from the very beginning. Probably before either of them did. The redhead knew Simon had a crush on Jace. It was always easy to tell with Simon, he wore his heart on his sleeve and allowed his eyes to scream words his mouth could never utter. To be entirely honest, the redhead had half expected Simon to crush on Jace. Because Simon liked people in general, in ways that made him believe anyone could be loved. So he loved, in a manner that would originally be unclear but grew more defined over time. The jewish boy went through crushes like one goes through pair of socks, really. None mattering too much. At least, not until Jace.

Clary had seen her best friend grow more withdrawn and discrete in a shallow hope to hide his feelings from her. And she hadn't said a word about it, because what was there to be said, really? She couldn't do much and had no intention to hand over her boyfriend to make Simon happier. It wasn't how any of this worked. So Clary had looked away, shifting her focus entirely on Jace. And when she did, she noticed something there too. Noticed the way his eyes trailed after Simon, both curious and fond, expectant but patient. How he'd fallen was a mystery, seen as the two barely said a word to another. But that made her realize something : Past making out every now and then and picking fights with one another, their relationship wasn't that deep. Whilst Jace grew more and more curious about the ever elusive Simon, Clary asked herself what she truly was looking for in a relationship. And it turns out that no matter how pleasant her thing with Jace was, she'd have to seek love elsewhere. And so, the female broke up with the blond.

Another very instructive moment.

No matter how strained her friendship with Simon was, when she searched for a shoulder to cry on, he offered the both of his own and held her tight. That was Simon. His dedication to the people he loved, knew no bound. Clary wondered, if not for a fleeting moment, what it would be like to be entirely loved by Simon. She knew he'd treat whomever he chose right, putting their happiness above his own and loving them with every piece of his heart. Because she couldn't reciprocate, Clary chose not to toy with Simon's feelings in an attempt to figure out her own. The two easily fell back into a routine. Best friends, family, confidents. And Clary was beyond glad to have her best friend back.

Maia was a surprise. A good one. But an entirely unexpected surprise. She made the redhead giggle and blush, and was entirely unapologetic about it. And it left Clary wondering, wondering if love could be found in someone unexpected but wholly welcomed. When Maia kissed her, it felt like the culmination of something, and the beginning of something bigger, greater. Something that would be entirely her own and yet was beyond her control. Maia was patient, didn't ask any inane questions and was too great to be jealous. Clary (loved) liked her for that. But Maia was also particularly observant, and she shared what she noticed. That made Clary see it too.

And Clary saw. She saw the way the two male were drawn to one another. As if silence was their melody and shared glances private lyrics to a song only them could hear. The funny thing was, Jace was the one being pulled in. Because evidently, Simon had accepted his crush by now. And a few stutters aside, he was genuinely trying his best to be friend with Jace. But Jace? Oh, he was a disaster. Alternating between bouts of confidence and utter fondness like a lunatic. A single glance at Simon and his eyes would gain that wistful glint. But he'd smile through, and laugh, and soak in Simon's presence like he was cataloguing moments for later on. It was so odd to watch him gather love kernels from someone who would have given him everything if he asked. No, not odd, sad. Yes, sad. Because Simon would blink every now and then, and glance towards Clary, his smile fading for a second before he'd nod and compose himself. He was artificially creating some distance between him and Jace for the redhead's sake.

Bros' before hoes.

Simon's loyalty both frustrated the redhead and made her love him ten times more at the same time. Maybe she'd talk to him. Tell him she didn't love Jace like he did, tell him he could love Jace better than she ever did. But not today though. Not yet. Because quite frankly, the realization still hurt a little.

Maia slipped her hands in Clary's linking their fingers. And it was like someone had found a way to dull the ache. The redhead's lips curled up, gaze fond despite the worry that grew in her heart. Did she truly love Maia or was she looking for someone to love her right? "Love." Clary whispered softly, eyes widening. She loved Maia. That, that had never crossed her mind when being with Jace. He was great obviously. But being with him was easy as breathing, comfortable, immutable, there. Maia was different. She was curious, and opinionated and loud, and she wasn't trying to perfectly fit with Clary. Maia cared about Clary's needs but had her own. She wanted things to. Jace always seemed to mold his priorities around Clary. The both of them trying so hard to fit together.

Maybe this was it then. The fundamental difference between someone you can live with and someone you can't live without, in spite of everything that might push you apart.

"Love." Clary repeated louder, like it wasn't an epiphany but just a nickname that made sense to give to Maia. And the female smiled, slowly leaning in to press her lips against the redhead's.

Clary's insecurities didn't just disappear. But for some reason, she knew this was okay. This was right. And she would make things right for Simon too. She'd talk to him. As soon as possible. For now though, she'd just enjoy the moment, trying to remember every second of that kiss to reminisce later.

Huh. Maybe she wasn't that different from Jace after all. Maybe she did, truly love too.

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