Game Over

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"I can't take it anymore!"

I lost count on how many times she said those words. I lost count on how many times she stole his father's gun. I lost count on how many times she tried to end her life. And I also forgot how many times i begged her to stay strong.

"Its alright, im here for you, we love you",and thankfully my words were enough to calm her and make her stay everytime she tries to end her life.

But , this night was different, there were no tears, there were no sobs and her face lacks emotion.

"It's alright we're here for you" i told her again hoping my words can save her .

"Stop fooling yourself, no one cared for us"
Then there i saw my own reflection in the mirror , no emotion, no tears, just waiting to pull the trigger .

"it's alright, its finally over"
I closed my eyes and finaly pull the trigger.

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