Chapter 2

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It was a weird sensation, where Ayse felt like she was drifting outside of her body sinking into a pond and finally recovering her 5 senses.

Floating mid air in a dark blueish space with no ground in sight she was welcomed by a window filled with a system notification.

[Welcome to Parallel World Online.]

Flabbergasted she was looking at the text, as it morphed into a different one.

[This is the character creation mode.]

[Chose a race.]

In the text window in front of her five races have been put to display. Elves, Dwarves, Giants, Wilds, Humans. When clicked on a few lines would open up as a description.


[Race of the woods. Loved by nature. Known for the longevity.]


[Small, but sturdy. They are...]

Not really knowing, which race to chose she tapped on Humans.


[Not few but many. With high variety they are dominating the continent.]

[Are you sure you want to be Human?]

[Yes] [No]

Tapping on yes once again the surroundings lighten up.

Once the light died down in front of her was her character.

Slightly longish dark brown almost black hair. Small nose, big eyes and a height that reached 1,67 meters.

Others would call her cute, but she never thought so herself.

"Wow. That's me." she said to herself as she was admiring the system, able to recreate a spitting image of herself.

[Do you want to alter you appearance?]

Not trusting her artistic senses she tapped on the No button.

[Please select a class.]

With the last system message a variety of Ayses appeared in front of her. All had different attires on and beneath each was the name of their class. On top of them was a screen showcasing their abilities and next to them was the class description.


[Equipped with heavy armor the warrior is a frontline class. Always charging in at the front this class can be developed as either tank or damage dealer depending on the users playstyle.]


[Equipped with gowns or light armor the priest is a support class. With healing as its base skill depending on the players path it can be developed into a tanker or even a damage dealer.]


[Equipped with gowns the mage is a damage dealer class. Mages have variety of elements and depending on which element you chose this class can be a supportive crowd control class or a heavy damage dealer class.]


[Equipped with light armor the archer is a damage dealer class. High distance, high damage. The archer always plans ahead. From traps to monster taming the archer has a variety of specializations.]


[Equipped with light armor the thief is a damage dealer class. High mobility and high burst is the thiefs forte. Like the archer he can also lay traps and additionally can learn lockpicking.]

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