Chapter 25

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Chapter 25
Aria's POV
Me and Enzo had gone to feed while Caroline went to go call Stefan and tell them the news. Me and Enzo walked through the street waiting for our pray.
"So do you want a drunk guy, air head girl?" Enzo teased. I nudged him as he chuckled. If he wasn't such a dick, I actually think we could be friends.
"Let's just grab something to eat and get back to Caroline." I told him. He rolled his eyes but nodded.
Soon enough a couple came along. Hand in hand. I smiled at their happiness but soon I heard there blood pumping and realized this was going to be my prey. I looked at Enzo and nodded. We both had talked about a plan. So I began to walk up to them.
"Hi, I'm sorry I'm really lost. We're am I?" I asked. The girl with perfect blonde hair looked at me.
"Your in Atlanta." She stated. Well, obviously.
"I am, aren't I? Thank you." I smiled. Quickly Enzo appeared next to me making them jump.
"Hello. I'm sorry but I need your help. You see I'm very hungry." Enzo smirked. He obviously, being as impatient as he is, skipped the rest if the plan and just jumped to the end. Typical.
"Well, I don't think we can really help you?" The guy asked a little confused.
"But you can, actually." I said before grabbing the girl and Enzo grabbing the guy and we rushed into a small alleyway.
"What are you gonna do?!" The girl asked. I could her Enzo feeding of his prey, so I thought maybe I should speed up.
"I'm gonna feed." I whispered in her ear before placing my head over her mouth and sticking my fangs in her neck. Blood flowed into my mouth. It overwhelmed me. I drank and drank. Suddenly flashes of images appeared in my eyes. The dead people I buried, covered in blood. The people at whitmore I killed. I let go of the girl and began to breath heavily. More and more images played in my head. I heard Enzo faintly but couldn't make out what he was saying. I heard a snap and then Enzo voice again. But I wasn't focussing on his voice, I couldn't make out what he was saying. More and more images appeared in my head. The people I killed at the grill, killing Matt, and it went on. I could hardly breath. I was so overwhelmed and it was making me dizzy. Suddenly Enzo smashed his lips against mine. I woke up from the trance and kissed him. I could taste the blood he had just drunk and he could probably taste the girls blood. He then pulled away and looked at me,
Enzo's POV
I was happily feeding of my food when I heard something odd. Aria was breathing heavily. I sucked my guy dry quickly and turned around to see Aria had let go of the girl and looked... Scared. Her eyes were glazed over and I wasn't sure what was going on.
"Aria! ARIA! " I shouted. I looked at the girl who was petrified. She looked at me before realizing that she was still in a lot of danger. She tried to run away but only stumbled. I quickly rushed over to her and snapped her neck. It made loud noise and I just hope no one would come down this alleyway. I quickly rushed over to Aria again.
"ARIA! ARIA! Snap out of it!" I shouted but it did no use. I didn't know what to do.
"ARIA!" I shouted again and out of that rush of worry , I planted my lip so hers. She immediately snapped out of it and kissed me back. I gently pulled away and lifted my hand to her face.
"Are you alright?" I asked. She nodded a little. She was obviously shaken up, by whatever she had seen. I pulled her into a hug and she hugged me back. Tears gently left her eyes as I comforted her. Usually I wouldn't do this. I would roll me eyes and call her a baby but she had become my friend, and I cared about her.
Caroline's POV
I was calling Enzo over and over again. But he didn't pick up.
"ENZO, PICK UP!" I shouted at my phone. Pissed off I crossed my arms in a huff.
"Don't be in too much of a grump we're here." I heard someone say. I turned round to see Enzo and Aria. I looked over to Aria who was unusually quiet. Her eyes were puffy and red. What happened?
"Finally, I was getting annoyed. You know you have a phone, so you can answer peoples calls." I snapped at Enzo.
"Sorry, Barbie. Got held up." Enzo smirked. I rolled my eyes. I glanced at Aria again but she wasn't looking at me. She was staring of into space.
"I found a lead. An address. We'll look there." I told Enzo as I looked at him again. He nodded as I handed him the piece of paper I had written the address on.
"Thank you. Let's go." He said walking towards the car which was across the road. I walked up to Aria, who was just about to follow Enzo.
"You alright? Did anything happen?" I asked. She looked at me.
"Why would I tell you? You screwed with my boyfriend. While I was in agony." She hissed before walking off. I sighed. She was never going to forgive me, and I didn't even do it, I thought. I sighed again before walking towards the car.
Hey guys so I was wondering if you wanted me to do a Christmas and new years special chapters. Tell me if you do. Hoped you liked it.

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