Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
Arias POV
Caroline had gone to the reception to sign in, while me and Enzo stayed behind. I fiddled with my sleeves trying to get the smell of blood out of my head. God, I needed some blood.
"You alright?" Enzo asked. I snapped out of my daze and looked at him and replied.
"Just a little hungry." I told him.
"Really?" He asked. I nodded.
"I haven't fed properly in a while." I admitted. It was true I hadn't really had any blood since I was in the cell. Even then the blood was only in small amounts. Just enough to stop me from desiccating.
"We'll go feed after this." Enzo told me. I grinned and nodded. I was over the whole feeding from a person. I just compel them to forget. Not hard. It was pointless to push away my nature, this is who I am now and I don't care what people think. But one thing was sure, I wasn't going to kill anyone.
I looked up to see Caroline coming towards us.
"So, the receptionist doesn't know Tom personally, but I compelled him to call someone who does. " She told us. I nodded and sat down on one of the waiting seats. Enzo and Caroline joined me and sat either side of me.
Caroline reached for a magazine and began to read as Enzo just stared at me. While I just sat there hungry.
"Okay. I give up. I can't tell if you're avoiding the mission, or me." Enzo whispered in my ear. As I didn't make eye contact.
"Well maybe, Enzo, she doesn't like you and you need to know when to piss of. Maybe she's doing both who knows?!" Caroline snapped. I looked at her and gave her thankful look before I realized I actually hated her.
"Because I've earned some company, after offering and hand delivering the antidote that kept Damon and Elena from consuming each other.. Literally. I'm sure she knows that, she was there too after all." Enzo smirked.
"Yeah, well that doesn't mean we trust you. I don't know about Aria but I still don't understand why you're even here." Caroline commented as I smirked.
"Damon's trying to be a good boy these days, which means I'm in need of a new murder buddy. " Enzo replied looking at me. I side glanced him and scowled.
"I'm joking! A joke.. british humor.I'm sure you get that." He defended himself. I rolled my eyes as both me and Caroline ignored him. So he decided to pick a magazine and start reading it like Caroline was, and piss us of even more.
"Ahh. Modern women. All bosom, no mystery. Present company excluded." Enzo smirked as I turned to look at him.
"Dear God. Please don't tell me that I am the real reason you're here. I mean you didn't even know I was coming." I snapped at him.
" I figured you would join along and why not? From what Damon tells me, I am your type. Well traveled, charming accent, dodgy morals..." Enzo replied as I cut him of.
"Mhmm. Arrogant, completely unable to take a hint, and a complete and utter dick." I carried on for him.
"Precisely. Honestly I just want to watch you snap. Caroline though, she reminds me of someone I once knew. She worked for the Augustines. " Enzo caught me by surprise. Well, both of us.
" What! You like me?! " Caroline asked.
" Yes, I do, love." Enzo said making me snap. He said love. I quickly stood up and paced ignoring there conversation.
A few minutes later a doctor walked towards us.
"You were asking about Tom Avery?" He asked.
"Yes. We need to see him as soon as possible. It's a matter of life or death. " I told him dramatically.
"I wish I could help. Tom Avery was a pain in my ass, but he was also the best paramedic I ever met." The doctor went on.
"What do you mean, 'was'?" Enzo asked.
"He disappeared four months ago. No one knows where he is." The doctor told us. My mouth fell open. Well that's gonna stuff up this mission.
Rebekah's POV
I was sitting in the grill. I was hoping to see Matt but he wasn't there. I was going to have to go back to the Salvatore boarding house and ask if I could stay the night. Joy.
After I had finished procrastinating, I took one last shot (I was gonna need it) and walked out of the grill. I headed over to the Salvatore boarding house. This was going to be so fun! Not! You may wonder why not just stay at the house you stayed at before? Well I wasn't going to risk missing Aria. I needed to see her. I walked to the front door and opened it with a sigh.
"Damon!..Damon!..Stefan!..Elena..Anyone!" I shouted. But no one replied. Great, no ones home. I sighed and walked upstairs into, what I think is Aria's room, and sat down on the bed. I sighed. Well I may as we'll make myself home. I walked into the bathroom and stripped down before going into the shower.
Hey guys, hoped you liked it. What do you thinks gonna happen next? Pls

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