February 8th, 2020

3 0 0

Little outsider Part 1

After watching Bird Box
I was ready to start something new

When suddenly I heard
a bizzar noise

It was a cat
outside my house

I got scared

like terrified

I started to shake
and cry

I decided to go to bed
but then again I heard this cat

She was like screaming
she was scared too

I was afraid
someone would be in our house

I did not know what to do
so I turn the TV done
and went to bed!

In my room I cannot hear
any noises from the outside

So even if the cat
would do something again
I would only hear
if it is really really loud

Maybe some of you are going to say
It is only a "fuc*ing" cat
but for me there was something
or maybe someone

I cannot sleep right now
everyone I tried to contact
do not even reply...

Not one at least...

By SolangeRibeiro

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