Chapter 2

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"...I won't leave you! Not this time..."

"...Then you will die."

A soft sigh left her lips as she opened her eyes. The courtyard of the Jedi Temple thrived with flora and fauna; winged beasts flew about, perching on the branches of the exotic plants. Flowers and vines decorated the walls of the Temple, but the courtyard was clean and tidy. It was a beacon of Light, pure and unadulterated Light. She never remembered the Jedi Temple on Coruscant feeling like this.

In the middle of the courtyard was a gigantic and colorful tree. It reached high in the sky, it's branches branching out and weeping down, almost as if it was an umbrella or a cover of some sorts. It's bright pink leaves made it a favorite among the Jedi, and many masters came here to meditate. It was the very reason she came to the tree, and the very same reason why she was now perched in one of the tree branches.

"Enjoying yourself up there?" a deep voice called from down below. Ahsoka peaked down to find the identity of the voice.

"Very much so," she said with a small smile, "Do you wish to join me, Master Plo?"

Plo Koon crossed his arms, "Now, little 'Soka, you know I am not as young as I used to be."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, and patted a spot on the tree branch next to her. Shaking his head, Plo used to the Force to propel himself onto the branch. He landed gracefully by her side, and carefully took a criss-cross position.

"Is it happening again?" the wizened Jedi Master asked, staring at the Togruta. It wasn't clear by the mask and respirator, but Ahsoka knew him well enough that she could tell he was worried for her.

She nodded, "Every time I meditate, I get these... I don't know what to call them. Glimpses of a possible future, but I don't think they're visions. This is the first time I've seen this particular vision though."

"Memories, then?" Plo suggested.

Ahsoka pursed her lips, "How can they be memories if I never lived or experience that future? Or should I say past? I don't even know what to call it."

"But you did experience it. This possible future, or alternate reality, you did experience it. Ten years ago, when you received the vision from the Force and you changed the fate of the Order itself." he explained.

"I guess... I don't understand why I keep experiencing these memories, as you call them." 

Plo shifted himself so he was facing Ahsoka, and held out his hands, "Shall we meditate together? These may be your own memories, per se, but that doesn't mean you have to deal with them alone."

Ahsoka nodded and faced him, and placed her hands in his. The two closed their eyes, and she felt him gently probe her shields. She let them down, and he joined her in her own mind. It wasn't long before the two fell into a deep meditative state, and with it came the memories. Plo and Ahsoka both began to visualize the memory that came to Ahsoka minutes before.

Blood red markings decorated the dark stone. In the middle of the large room glowed a beacon of sorts. Lightning crackled from it. Deep mechanical breathing sounded throughout the air, and the Dark Side of the Force suffocated anyone in the vicinity. It was hellish, and it could only be that of a Sith temple.

In front of the beacon stood the hulking menace known as Darth Vader, staring down a slightly older Ahsoka Tano. Behind Vader was a boy who desperately tried to crawl away from the half-man half-machine.

"Anakin Skywalker was weak. I destroyed him." Vader boomed, staring down the Togruta in an effort to discourage her.

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