A date

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Wooyoung woke up to the morning light when he felt someone in his arms. He smiled to himself, remembering last night's events, San cuddled in more, still in a sleeping state.

Wooyoung wanted to pinch his cheeks and give kisses all over the face, instead he smiled at him, his eyes creating crescents. Suddenly san's eyes fluttered open, just like a baby's, "good morning" he said in his morning voice. Wooyoung moved a strand of hair from san's face "morning" he said. San got up from bed and went to brush his teeth and shower.

Today was a day which ateez could wonder around and make videos. Wooyoung got up aswell and scrolled through insta and saw that seonghwa posted:

Captioned: just woke up(Omg look at him guys, not everyone looks that good when they wake up, jk, he probs didn't just wake up)

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Captioned: just woke up
(Omg look at him guys, not everyone looks that good when they wake up, jk, he probs didn't just wake up)

Wooyoung put his phone down and closed his eyes, thinking of what to do today, he thought he and San could spend some time alone, since the members are all mucking around.

San stepped out of the shower, he was wearing a white sweat shirt and blue jeans. San's hair was all wet, water droplets running down his face, wooyoung blushed, looking at the boy.

Wooyoung got caught by San who gave him a smiley confused look, wooyoung looked away quickly. Wooyoung came back to earth "San, where should we go today?" He asked, San looked up, thinking "well let's ask the other members then decide". Wooyoung bit his lip, scratching the back of his neck "San... I was thinking that we should go out... Just us two" he said, blushing like crazy.

San blushed aswell, trying to hide his smile, his started rubbing his head with the towel to cover his face. San put the towel around his neck "like.. like a date?" San asked gulping hard, "ahh, I mean, you can call it that" wooyoung answered, getting out of his bed to shower.

San started to panick, thinking that wooyoung was walking to him. Wooyoung walked up to san, way slower than he was supposed to, he poked him in the cheek "think about it sannie" he said retracting his hand. San stood there, thinking of what to do, to be honest San wanted to say yes the second woo asked him but, he wants to make sure that.. that woo likes him, like likes him.

San was wondering what to say to the others when they ask something like "why?, You guys can hang out with us" or "are you guys going on a date?". San sighed, feeling guilty for thinking the members were like that, they wouldn't say such things.

When wooyoung came out, no one was in the room, he thought that San didn't want to hang out with him. Wooyoung sighed, he's not surprised that San doesn't want to go out with him.

Wooyoung stood in front of the mirror, running his hands through his hair before he left for, wherever they were going. Suddenly San barged in the room, walking up to wooyoung and clutching his hand and directing them both out the room, San had a big grin on his face, while his cheeks were Rosy pink.

Wooyoung just let him drag him to wherever "San, where are we going, where are the members" he asked on the elevator. San looked at the other, still with a gorgeous smile, the elevator door opened and San grabbed wooyoung's hand again "your the one who said we should hang out together right?" San pulling wooyoung out the building, walking on the path.

Wooyoung and San walked together now, instead of San pulling him. "Wait, what? So your ok with that?, You don't mind?, What did the members say?, Did they go somewhere already?". San giggled at the other "yes, I'm ok with going out with you, the members said it's ok too and no, they're still in their dorms" San somehow managed to answer all of wooyoung's questions. Wooyoung smiled at San "so where are we going" he asked "well, I know this really cool noodle restaurant, me and mingi went there once, let's go there then" San said. Wooyoung got excited, they're both actually going on a date, but wooyoung still wasn't sure if he liked him or not.

Sorry, I feel like I haven't updated in forever, I'll try to update tmr. Also, am I going to fast with the story, lol idk.

Also, I have no idea if their stylist do their hair everyday so... :)

I hope you liked the chapter, wait for the next one

Also, happy Valentine's day
Also happy birthday jaehyun!! (From nct)

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