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Every day I would get up at 6 am and get ready for school. Simon and his little sister, Kagura would come to my door at 8 am and knock so we could go to school together. "Goodbye mum, dad!" I say everyday as I leave the house. Every time I saw Simon, he would always blush, which was really cute. We would drop off Kagura at her school first as she didn't go to the same school as us, she was too young. When we got to school, classes started. Simon was my only friend at school, the only one who I talked to. When it was playtime, it was only us two playing tag but it was still fun.

Those days were the happiest of my life.

School would always finish so quickly and soon it would be time to head home. We would pick up Kagura and head home, talking about our day to her or play leapfrog home. Every so often, Simon and Kagura would come to mine for dinner or it would be the other way round. By 8 pm, mum and dad would tuck me into bed and kiss me good night.

Life was good.

Until they came.

Titania (A Fairy Tail fan fic) [slow updates atm]Where stories live. Discover now