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Lie within 

Sometimes i just know,
You want to talk,
And never want to listen.

A lot of times i realize,
You want to be heard,
And never want to care.

Too much of this,
I begin to seek comfort,
Beyond your cruel grasp,
One you told was love.

But love..
Cherish and nourish,
Let you grow,
Grip so strong,
Yet so gently,
Speak so deep,
Yet so softly.

And that's what love is,
To give without hesitance,
To accept without circumstance,
It mend what's broken,
And heal what's torn,
It lies deep within us,
But tingles our skin from time to time.

As your heart buried,
With that profound glimmer,
Layered by thick skin,
Held by mighty rib cage,
Conceal inside of you,
Can still be reach,

With only a palm,

Press against that beating miracle,

To gesture an eternal silent vow,

To stay and never let go.

~ 💓 ~

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