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Perfume of the mist

I love to see,
The way your hand brushes softly against hers,
As you chuckled beautifully,
And it feel like time stop ticking,
Glancing lovingly at their embrace,
Savouring the presence of two soul,
Living each bit of moment,
With the half they long for.

I wonder how,
Such a little gesture,
Can warm a cold icy heart,
That she hold on to your arm,
Like she would not see another day,
Tight yet gently,
As her eyes glistening,
Showing a small little you,
Scared and bruised,
Still her touch,
Holding your little pieces as a whole,
The way her lips pressed tenderly against your tears,
It was slow,
That you feel her breath caressing your pain,
Comforting your fears,
You shut your eyes close,
Inhaling the calmness of her,
Parting a small smile,
You let out a thick giggle,
To let her know..
That her magic works on you.

Now that yesterday was ages behind,
All that's left was her faint perfume,
Blend with the mist of the rain,
Her beautiful black hair turns white,
The star within her eyes become dimmer,
As you clasped her hand in yours,
And kiss her the last goodnight..

~ 💓 ~

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