Chapter 2: Do you Believe Me Now?

Start from the beginning

"Do you believe me now?" He whispered, his lips grazing my earlobe.

I nodded my head unable to speak partially from weakness and partially from fear. He smiled and headed for the door.

"Oh and I've decided to give you the night off, consider yourself lucky" He winked at me before finally exiting the room.

I was left standing there completely weak ready to fall over and completely and utterly confused as to what just happened. One thing was for sure though they were definitely vampires.

Louis POV:

I entered the slaves "room" and saw his head snap up at my presence. His curly locks bounced from being moved so quickly and dare I say he looked really good right now. I have a thing for hot weak defenseless boys, but for some reason Harry seemed like so much more than a good fuck. And he smelled delicious; I could barely contain my control around him.

"Come on time to cook us dinner" I commanded trying not to be fazed by his bright green eyes.

"Hold on" He said "If you guys are really what you implied, which I don’t think you are. How come you need to eat normal food?"

"You don't believe what we are?" I asked trying to sound sexy, and by the way that he tensed up I think I did the trick.

"U-um yeah I mean those types of th-things don't even exist is real life, do they?" He stuttered nervously. He is so cute when he is nervous

I chuckled darkly. This boy really doesn't want to believe that we're vampires does he? Well I guess I'll have to convince him otherwise. "You have too much to learn boy. But if you insist on an example I am very glad to do the honor"

Quickly I ran behind him and started slowly kissing and sucking his neck seductively. He let a moan by accident and I chuckled, I knew he was gay. I realised my fangs and pushed them into his neck slowly, he screamed in pain but I ignored it. He melted into me and instead of being tense he was relaxed and calm. See, what most people don't know is that, when vampires take blood it's not one sided, not at all. Humans enjoy it too, not as much as us obviously but it’s still quite a lot of pleasure for them. Also vampires can also take blood from other vampires; it can still kill them but not as easily and quickly as it takes to kill a human. Harry's blood tasted so good, I just wanted to drain him dry and take every single last drop there was left. But I knew that I needed to stop, if I wanted more in the future I couldn't kill him now could I. So reluctantly I pulled away staring at him in his weak tired state. His knees were wobbling and his head was slightly spinning, he looked like he was going to pass out any second.

I moved in closer to him coming close to his ear.

"Do you believe me now?" I whispered purposely brushing my lips against his ear lobe as I backed away. He simply nodded; I smiled at him and began to leave. "Oh and I've decided to give you the night off, consider yourself lucky" I winked at him before leaving the room and heading upstairs.

I arrived there in a matter of seconds to only to see Zayn and Niall lounged on the couch watching T.V like they usually do. You see I'm sort of their.... leader; so to speak, I turned both of them when I began to feel lonely. I turned Niall when I found him on his porch steps with a black eye and several cuts and bruises, I read his mind and found out that his father beat him and kicked him out of his house for being gay. So I turned him into a vampire and erased all of his memory of the past few years of his life where his father beat him. He made me promise not to tell anyone he was gay and I've kept my promise ever since. I turned Zayn when I found him in an alley left for dead because he was left for dead after a hit and run. I was going to eat him and then move on with my life but he seemed so innocent and helpless and for some reason I saved him.

"You know we could hear Harry from here" Zayn said.

"Yeah, I thought we agreed we weren't going to kill this one" Niall whined.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch, he is still very much alive just weak and filled with pleasure" I smirked.

"You just couldn't control yourself could you?" Zayn sighed.

"Can you blame me, that boy was hot!" I winked at them.

"Your messed up" Niall said.

"Yeah yeah whatever. So I told curly he could have the night off so I'm going hunting, anyone wanna come with?" I asked

"Sure" Niall shrugged and stood up from the couch stretching.

"You go on ahead I'm not that hungry" Zayn said flipping the channels.

That boy is up to something I just know it, but what?


Hey sorry if that sucked, but if you liked it than YAAAA!! :) I have a big football tournament (thats soccer for those of you in America and Canada) this weekend so I won't be able to update. :( But I will see if I can maybe squeeze a little chapter in :)


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