"How much do you think it's worth?" Brighten was asking. In his hand, he held Adalynn's diamond bracelet. Her mother's bracelet.

Anger burned through Reece's veins. "Where the hell did you get that?"

Mr. Graves and Brighten turned to Reece. They both laughed.

"Oh this?" Brighten held the jewelry up mockingly. "I just grabbed it from a little girl with green eyes. She doesn't mind at all."

"You son of a bitch." Reece lunged at the snivelling man, tackling him. His fists pounded the man down.

Reece was yanked off by Jim and Mr. Graves within seconds but he still fought. "You kidnapped her?! You bastards!"

"What? It was fun." Brighten sneered. "And it will be more fun once I get the little wench to myself."

"We get the ransom first, Bright." Mr. Graves said calmly. "Then you may do as you please."

"You sick, twisted, old men!"

Brighten spat blood onto the floor and then got to his feet. "You've got some nerve talking like that. Boss, I say he joins her."

Mr. Graves slammed his fist into his grandson's stomach, knocking the air from his lungs.

Reece doubled over as his cracked ribs protested. Jim then hauled him to the basement and over to the back room that was always empty and never used. He pushed the door open and shoved Reece into the dark room.

Reece froze and his heart slammed against his ribcage as he saw Lynn gagged and laying on the floor at the back of the room, her hands and feet tied.

He ran over to her, dropping to his knees as the door was closed and locked. "Lynn. I'm so sorry."

She tried scooting back, her whole body trembling. Her eyes were red and brimmed with tears. She didn't know what was going on, or why. But she didn't want to see Reece. She was scared of him.

His heart squeezed as he saw the terror in her eyes. He held his hands up. "It's okay, Lynn. It's okay." He slowly reached forward and his thumb gently brushed her cheek as he wiped away a tear.

Lynn couldn't bring herself to move, frozen by the look in Reece's eyes. It seemed... real. She was terrified, and seeing him right now was a comfort she desperately needed.

Reece took that as a good sign and he slowly reached behind her and untied the gag. "It's okay." He repeated.

Lynn took in a small gasp. "What happened to you?" She whispered, reaching up and tracing the cut above his eyebrow with her bound hands. She still cared even after what he did.

"Nothing." Reece whispered. He grabbed her hands, looking over the tight ropes binding them together.

"I can't get them off." Lynn whispered, still afraid to use her voice.

Reece picked at the ropes, which were layered thick around her wrists. Brighten must have tied her because the knots weren't exposed. Instead they were wrapped around in a way that they would be near impossible to get to. "This is tied really well." He murmured. "But I'll get you free."

"Reece. What is happening?" She asked, voice shaking. "Why am I here?"

He met her eyes, squeezing her hands gently. "You're here because of my grandfather. He didn't get money from the con, so I guess he decided that taking you and demanding a ransom was the best step."

"Did... did you know?"

Reece swallowed and shook his head. "No. And he has taken things too far. I'm sorry, Lynn. I wish I could fix this."

The Thief's Stolen HeartWhere stories live. Discover now