Chapter Two

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"Rise and shine, Adalynn. You've slept long enough." Miss Sanders yanked the curtains open, spilling bright sunlight into the room. "It's 12:30, for heaven's sake."

Lynn fished herself out of her pillows, pushing her hair out of her face. "Ugh, I feel like death."

"Well you were kept up past two last night."

"Surrounded by people." Lynn threw herself out of her bed and waddled over to her bathroom. Her feet were sore from last night.

"Adalynn, you need to shower and dress quickly. You have visitors."

She snorted. "Me? No one visits me."

Miss Sanders sighed. "You're part of the Black Palm Industry. When your father has visitors, you do."

"Please don't tell me they're waiting." Lynn braced herself.

"A family is here for lunch. I believe you met them last night."

"I don't remember the hundreds of names from last night." Lynn shut the bathroom door and jumped into the shower, scrubbing away her sleepiness.

When she emerged she dressed in black skinny jeans and a ruffled green blouse.

"Everyone is in the library waiting for you." Miss Sanders informed as Lynn grabbed a hair brush.

"Oh, man. Dad is probably not happy with me." She brushed her hair and braided it over her shoulder. "Thanks, Mama Sanders!" She rushed out.

"Your shoes-!" Miss Sanders held up a pair of sandals but Adalynn was already gone.

The library was quiet, even with the conversation flowing between the older men.

Reece was more than bored as he lounged against the far bookcase. Normally jobs like this were simple and easy to accomplish. All he had to do was give rich daughters a winning smile and the rest was easy.

But with Adalynn last night, she seemed to hardly take in what he even looked like. She would be a bit more difficult.

"Whoa!" Adalynn suddenly slid through the door, skidding to a stop. She seemed like a different person with her casual clothes and a messy braid flopped over her shoulder.

Reece was a bit surprised.

Lynn quickly composed herself. "Sorry, I didn't quite realize how late it got." Her eyes swept over the room. Mr. Caine sat on one of the arm chairs and three older men sat in the remaining furniture. One she recognized as Mr. Graves.

Then she noticed a young man leaning against one of the shelves. He wore black pants and a white buttoned shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. It was Reece, the one she snapped at last night.

Lynn willed herself not to flush with embarrassment.

"Ah, Adalynn." Mr. Caine motioned her over. "Finally awake, I see."

"Sorry." She apologized. "Rough night."

Reece instantly noticed her bare feet. No shoes. Again. She was going to be difficult to figure out.

Mr. Caine nodded toward the guests. "You remember the Graves family, yes?"

Adalynn nodded politely, her practiced smile surfacing. "I do. Good to see you all."

"Since we do not know each other well, the Graves have come to spend the day with us. We'll be having lunch out on the patio in just a moment." Mr. Caine rose to his feet. "Shall we, gentlemen?"

The group all rose from their seats and followed Mr. Caine out.

Adalynn followed behind and Reece fell into step beside her.

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