Chapter Eight

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Lynn woke herself up with a sudden sneeze. She sat up, rubbing her face. Another sneeze let loose and she groaned as she slid out of bed. Her head seemed to be swimming and she could barely breathe without her throat being scratched to death.

She shuffled into her bathroom and turned the sink on. She splashed water onto her face, which brought on a sneeze.

"Oh, great." She grumbled, grabbing the box of tissues. She pulled out four tissues and basically smothered her face as she blew her nose. A cold was the last thing she needed. She still had to go to work.

A small knock sounded on her door. "Adalynn?" Mama Sanders' voice came. "Are you alright in there?"

Lynn tried to reassure her that everything was fine. But her voice didn't work. She coughed to clear her voice, but that only hurt her throat.

Mama Sanders stepped into the bathroom. "Oh, honey, you look miserable." She put her hand to Lynn's forehead. "You're burning up."

"But-" Lynn tried protesting but her voice sounded like a frog being squashed to death.

"No buts." The nanny gently ushered Lynn back into her bedroom. "Go lie down, keep your tissues close. I'll bring you some water and medicine."

Lynn didn't complain as she crawled back into bed and sat back against her fluffy pillows. She closed her eyes. "Thanks." She croaked.

"Back in a moment." Miss Sanders left the room and went down to the kitchen. On her way she passed Mr. Caine.

"Sanders, where is Adalynn? It's past time for her to wake up." The millionaire asked impatiently.

"She is very sick, sir. I'm getting things to tend to her."

He huffed, annoyed. "Well get her down here dressed properly and ready to work."

"She will be in bed until she recovers, Mr. Caine. As anyone should be. Black Palm Industry can wait for a day. And I believe you are perfectly capable of doing your job." Miss Sanders smiled sweetly. "If you'll excuse me." She walked away, heading for the kitchen.

When she stepped in, she saw Reece sitting on a stool hunched over, rubbing his head.

"Everything alright, Mr. Graves?" She asked casually as she filled a glass full of water.

He sat straight and cleared his throat. "Yeah, I'm just a bit tired, that's all." He was honestly feeling rather exhausted and conflicted over this job.

Miss Sanders nodded and opened a small cabinet. She gathered bottles of cold medicine, cough drops, and more tissues.

Reece noticed everything she was carrying. He jumped to his feet. "Let me help you carry all of this." He took the glass of water and box of tissues.

"Thank you." She motioned. "Follow me, then."

Reece followed along. "You don't seem sick. Who is this for?"

Miss Sanders sighed. "Adalynn has woken up miserable, the poor girl. Her father was going to make her work anyway. Luckily she'll be staying home today."

Reece shook his head. "That sucks. The cold is no fun at all."

"Especially for Adalynn. She doesn't get sick often, so her body is not so used to medication. When she has cold medicine it's almost like giving her a few shots." Miss Sanders laughed lightly. "It can be quite entertaining."

Reece smiled. "Really?" Lynn was a lightweight. He found that hilarious. "I want to see that."

"Or she sleeps through the day. We'll see which one she does today." Miss Sanders gave a mischievous smile and pushed Adalynn's door open.

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