Chapter Fifteen

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Lynn sighed as she sat back in the sand watching the sun go down over the sea. "This was so nice."

"Agreed." Reece breathed, sitting back beside Lynn. "I'm impressed that you didn't chicken out at least once."

Lynn playfully smacked his arm. "Oh shut up, Toad. I'm braver than you think."

He turned to her. "Oh, I can't deny that. Adalynn Caine is so much more than anyone has the right to see."

She blushed. "How do you do that?" She asked, placing her hands over her cheeks.

Reece laughed and gently grabbed her hands, pulling them away from her face. "I'm only telling the truth. You just blush really easily."

Lynn smiled. "Then thank you. I'm glad you could be with me today."

Reece returned the smile. "Me too, Lynn." He moved closer, and his lips brushed her's.

Lynn lost her breath and slowly closed the distance, kissing him almost timidly. Reece took the reins, placing his hand on the back of her neck as he kissed her deeply, his heart now taking control of his actions.

Lynn wrapped her arms around his neck as she was carried away by the breath stealing kiss. She couldn't feel happier than she did in this moment. Sitting on the beach with a sunset background with Reece was a moment she never wanted to forget. And she probably wouldn't.

* * *

That night, Lynn laid back on her bed as she talked to Eva on the phone. They mostly talked about random things, including the interesting dates Eva had gone on lately.

But with that topic, Eva just had to bring up Reece. "So how is your sexy Reece?"

Lynn rolled her eyes. "Stop calling him that. And..." she smiled. "He's really good."

Eva gasped. "Holy shit, did you sleep with him?!"

Lynn went red. "Eva! No! Oh my gosh, that's where your mind went?!"

"Well, did you?!"

"No, I didn't. Geeze, calm down you freak."

Eva huffed. "Well did something happen? You've got to give me something."

"Okay, we, uh, we've kissed. A few times."

Something made a loud thud on the other end, closely followed by a surprised sounding squeak.

Lynn sat up. "Eva? You okay there?"

Eva laughed into the phone. "I just fell off the bed from the news."

Lynn laughed. "That was a bigger reaction than when you thought I slept with him. How does that make sense?"

"Hearing you say that something actually happened was shocking, I must admit. But girl! That's so awesome. So are you guys a thing now, or what?"

Lynn picked at her blankets. "Well... I honestly don't really know. We haven't really... established what we are."

"I'm sure he won't leave you hanging. He seems too good to be that type of guy. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about."

Lynn relaxed a little. "You're right."

"I know I am." Eva sighed. "I have to get to bed. My mama wants me to go to a meeting with her. She says I'll find it interesting, but I doubt it."

"Well have fun with that. Love you."

"Love you too. Eva out."

* * *

The Thief's Stolen HeartOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara